Jon W.

It's not semantics. It's dogmatism. Some people literally use a definition of racism that excludes racism against white people, even though no one else uses it. There's a similar "definition" for sexism, except it's pretty darn easy to show that there's institutionalized sexism against men/in favor of women, even if

Just about no one uses that definition except a small amount of sociologists, and social justice folks like you. The standard conversational definition does not limit itself to institutionalized racial prejudice.

I've seen more people going "reverse racism doesn't exist" than I've seen just using the term "reverse racism". Not to mention the folks who redefine racism so it literally cannot apply to white people.

Skinning animals is a lot different from slitting a throat or stabbing a dude. Also, Jason was taking drugs on several occasions, so that might've had something to do with it.

People were blaming the Elliot Rodger shooting on "white male entitlement". Which is odd, because he's biracial, and hated white dudes too. He hated pretty much everyone.

>is extreme sports rich doucheyness is his whole reason for being in pirate land in the first place because... I don't know, I guess skydiving is just more fun when you are doing it in a place that requires you to charter a private plane where pirates rule.

Because they thought he was just another white savior, and didn't realize that Citra was just using him to take care of her opposition. She also cared nothing for him as a person, just as a warrior, a tool for her greater glory.

American-raised native Kyratian (their fictional country).

Absolutely none of which you've provided links to.

At no point in the entire thread did you ever elaborate on that analogy, IIRC. Has it occurred to you that if so many people keep "misunderstanding" you, the problem is likely on your end?

Perhaps he meant "my business" as in "the business I am employed in".

Ah, so thinking he has some sort of stake in the business he works at and which his family has more than likely told him he's going to run in the future is the same as thinking he built it.

I love how you insult Vee and never actually respond to or even acknowledge his question.

It sure is telling how some people seem more interested in blaming the kid for showing off the cars than condemning the criminals, and portray this as something anyone with "common sense" could expect.

You're assuming those are two separate things.

Thank goodness you made this comprehensive argument against all those imaginary people. Internet Points for you!

>It sounds similar to the people that slut-shame women, saying garbage like "Well she asked for it! Wearing that short dress and walking down that particular street at night."

So posting pictures of expensive stuff online is the equivalent of taking to a bad neighbourhood and actively pissing off the locals, in your mind.

>sarcastically saying someone else doesn't have good arguments

Ah, yes, the ol' "calm down!" chestnut.