> The biggest issue is showing "gameplay" that's not even close to what can be accomplished in the final release of the game.
> The biggest issue is showing "gameplay" that's not even close to what can be accomplished in the final release of the game.
>Chinese-Americans (ie. immoral, guns-for-hire)
>and the few named Black dudes are your run-of-the-mill stereotypes
Funny. I felt the same way when people were complaining about that black lady in DXHR, and said "But...I know a black woman who talks like that. I know several. The first one is rich."
>MMOs are not a bastion of good female character design.
Actually, the devs admitted that while the overall scenario was unlikely, the individual steps weren't so unlikely. Heck, WWI started because Franz Ferdinand's car took the wrong way, and just happened to end up in front of his killer.
Colors and Generations were both pretty good, I heard. Lost World got middling reviews.
Sometimes people ask questions like that because they want someone to "sell" them on whatever. I've seen people ask questions like that, and then someone explains it to them, and they go "oh. I guess I'll give it another shot."
Why are you being a dick to someone who asked a rhetorical question?
No, that's "I liked steampunk before it got all popular".
Oh, come on, that wasn't even close to proper use of the meme. All they did was say they didn't like it, and try to open a discussion with other people about the matter.
Ah, yes, from the same article that asserted that the motto of AVFM was "Fuck Their Shit Up" or something like that, and completely failed to mention, IIRC, that AVFM had done an article on Friedman herself not a month prior.
I once checked the GWB page and found nothing but a picture of a gorilla.
I have, especially among the more radical trans activists. One rationale I've seen people use is that it actually means "die, scum who are cis", not "die cis people (who are all scum)".
Count yourself blessed.