I was kidding, parodying the social justice folks on tumblr, and their talk of slut-shaming and "die cis(sexual) scum!"
I was kidding, parodying the social justice folks on tumblr, and their talk of slut-shaming and "die cis(sexual) scum!"
Drunk-shaming? Check your privilege, sober scum.
>survived car bomb explosion
Ouch. That poor -
I found it hilarious in the "Bunny" or "Rabbit" mission or whatever where some random black thug had "INTERESTED IN YIFFING". I was giggling even before he opened up a text conversation where he said he had his own costume.
And most people who recognize it are not going to even know about the alternative meaning.
>slippery slope
>Wow, you're really trying hard to sound intellectual... and it isn't working.
1. Um, slang is a type of language. And nice strawman; I said nothing about slang. If you ask a random bunch of English-speaking people whether an argument is a kind of debate, most say yes. Same with English teachers.
That is literally how language works. If enough people use it, that's the correct definition, as the dictionaries I just quoted indicate.
Why didn't you just start by saying "that's wrong"? Also;
No it isn't. I don't have to come up with the idea for a better movie every time I say I don't like a film. I don't even have to explain how I'd like the movie to be.
In a perfect world, yes. Not this one
Their usual tactic is to find some rationalization as to why they don't have to provide evidence (shifting the burden of proof). At which point you should just call them out on it and leave. They're not going to change their mind, and any audience, hopefully, is probably going to see they're full of it. Unless they're…
What does "concept artist" have to do with that photog-
Well, at least it's more original than "near future American soldiers".
You have noticed that most WWII games are focused on US forces, right?
They have enough to claim parody. And, frankly, I'm pretty sure the people who own these properties love free publicity like this.
Again, you mean like most FPSes with all-male casts? Do you look at WW2 games and wonder why they don't have more women?