More complained about the lack of variety and the shortness of the campaign. Female characters was way down the list. It's not like having all-male characters in an FPS is particularly unusual.
More complained about the lack of variety and the shortness of the campaign. Female characters was way down the list. It's not like having all-male characters in an FPS is particularly unusual.
You mean that game that was complicated enough with just rigging and designing the highly-customizable male characters, without more than doubling their character design workload, of which only a few people complained about the lack of female characters?
In the UK, it'll be called "Clean Bomb".
I'm betting there's a point in the video where a kid adorably asks why floppy disks aren't actually floppy.
1. No, it's supposed to make a point. I suspect it would be very difficult to change your mind.
No, no, that's perfectly correct. I've seen one (black) social justice person rant about how black people aren't "allowed" to tell other black people something's not racist. Hilariously, their "logic" didn't include the possibility that whatever it is wasn't actually racist.
What's that? Knee-jerk PC master race nonsense?
>check their privilege
>It will be interpreted as racist if it's coming off like one.
>Why? Because they're discussing things you don't want to hear?
Lincoln depends on whether there's anyone else around and how drunk they are. Ronald McDonald? I don't think anyone is going to care. There's apparently a Lincoln on a bench at the Gettysberg visitor center too, if you absolutely, positively need to sit on his lap.
I dunno. But it pisses me off, and I'm a western Christian. At the very least, it's a dick move to sit on an old statue that probably means a lot to people.
You claimed that Ubisoft is based in France, and is therefore likely to be white. The crux of your position is that assumption.
I have an issue with people who try to evade responsibility when they're proven wrong. Such as implying that the people who jumped to conclusions wouldn't had to if they had just had more evidence. Heck, Grayson even posted a screenshot where someone goes "hang on, y'all, we don't have enough information".
I meant he was desecrating a religious icon. And an old one.
>I didn't say only
Aaaand absolutely nothing to back up your claims about Ubisoft's intent. Or any of your other generalizations. To be fair, the article made similar generalizations. Similarly without evidence.