Jon W.

Except that even people who are anonymous, as I already pointed out and the article mentions, can still be trolled. Just ask 4chan. Why do you think Wilson here moved goalposts to "you shouldn't get offended by anything on the Internet, ever" while ignoring the fact that anonymity on either side is not a requirement

Sure is victim-blaming in here. I looked it up, and it seems that the whole thing started with some fandom drama that 4chan got wind of somehow.

No, he means literally any personal info other than your real name in a Facebook profile. Mention what field your in, even if you're someone like an artist who needs to self-promote? Nope, can't do that. Wanna write a blog about living abroad? Nope, can't do that either. Say what state you live in? Nuh-uh.

No, I think it's analagous. Of course, I could've used someone being teased for being overweight. Ironic that someone who claims I don't understand analogies would straw man my own.

Google ball-tickler. Coming in 2021.

Of course the pedestrian is to blame. He's out there. On the street. He should've been more careful, or maybe just never left the house. (Sarcasm aside, I love how your "counterpoint" is just a flat denial.)

>Tor exists. anonymity is guaranteed if you want it.

I'm sorry, you seem to be entirely incapable of understanding the difference between "can't be held responsible" and "is not responsible". By your logic, if a hit and run driver kills a pedestrian and is never found, it's the pedestrian's fault.

That explains a lot about tumblr.

Oh, look, an Appeal To Worse Problems fallacy in order to deflect blame. That's original. Say, would you mind if I stole your identity? Since that's clearly not as bad as all the things you described.

>equating putting any personal info online whatsoever with being mentally impared

Wow. That's not even a good strawman.

Right, like the incidents described in this article where the trolls acted like folks' friends just to better screw them over. It is certainly possible to ignore trolls if you don't know they're trolls in the first place. And if you're not experienced enough to know they're screwing you over, well, that's your fault.

>Oh, I understand doxing, but again, thats your own fault for putting yourself out there.

>implying bullying requires physical harm

Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children. Liking teenagers would be something like hebephilia or Ephebophilia. Liking adult women isn't any kind of ~philia, as far as I know.

>What they do is, when "pretty girls" reach a certain age (of legal consent) they run an article about them being "all grown up". It's borderline peadophilia and actually a secret way of winking and nodding to others with that disorder. It's all very vile.

It's also been proven that sugar, spice, and chemical X do not make little girls, not least because the last one of those does not exist.

Destiny DLC plz.

The fan-versions of the PPG depicted in the image above are adult women. I'm not sure how it's pedophilia if the characters are supposed to be sexy for looking like grown ups, especially given the disparity between the regular PPG - which don't have fingers - and this fanart.