Jon W.

That would work better if they weren't clearly grown up.

>Hooters caters to the american everyman who fetishes girls with big boobs wering short shorts and tight t-shirts.

You do realize the guy who wrote this article lives in Japan, and is married to one of those "slant-eyed alien people"? With a kid? And the article makes no generalizations about East Asian culture in

You're right. The dudes should dress like maids too.

The idea, apparently, is also that the maid outfits are less threatening that the typical white uniforms—this is actually something that a Japanese clinic once tried with blood donations. And as Yahoo! News points out, the clinic isn't only for men. "It was nice to get some tenderness," said one female patient.

>There might not be an interest in developing games by a non white population, but that doesn't mean that same population wouldn't enjoy playing a game with someone resembling them

"For the love of...all I wanted to do was play a haunting guitar melody. Just one."

This time we're in London, where Bauer is trying to save the president; Chloe is trying to impress her British hacker buddies; and terrorists led by Catelyn Stark now have control of U.S. drones. Also there are cameras, and interrogations, and Audrey Raines, wooden as ever, who is now married to the president's chief…

It's all...part of the plan.

Imma say it; it looks kinda 90s.

Some women just want to wear a sweet hat.

As someone who lives on a near-tropical island, it seemed pretty varied to me.

You will now never be able to unsee the fact that DXHR looks like "Dicks HeR".

Final level is lava. There's also underwater levels, a hotel level, a jungle level, a theme park level...

I never got an environmental vibe. I just got "oh, man, another bad guy made a mess that Mario has to clean up". It's just that the mess was a lot more literal.

"He's questioning something a feminist says! Better swear at him for something he posted two years ago!"

I never played Mario 64, so I seem to be different from people who were apparently disappointed that Nintendo didn't do something drastic like they did with M64.

Strong Female Character main leads + ostensibly subversive story + nice musical numbers + rebellious main character = tumblr popularity.