>It's the same hyper violent over sexualized crap we see everywhere.
>It's the same hyper violent over sexualized crap we see everywhere.
>off screen
CliffyB openly mentioned Winback as inspiration for Gears, which increased its popularity. Yay?
The image of a woman in torn leggings and a bra, strapped to a chair and prodded with electrically-charged batons, is certainly provocative, as is the sort of blood-and-guts splattershow that occurs near the end of Ground Zeroes. But is this really the kind of provocation that benefits the Metal Gear series? Kojima…
While for the most part Ground Zeroes implies torture and other dark practices without depicting them, toward the end it takes a shocking turn for the explicit, and the final cutscene contains a graphic depiction of one of the most grisly things I've seen in a game. It didn't really work for me, nor was it lost on me…
I strongly suggest you don't bother trying to parse the logic. Escape while you can.
I've seen people who had no problem with bad guys trying to kill a female character, but were up in arms about some guy sexually assaulting her.
>Why not talk about why it could be special?
So, men haven't got programs because men were richer.
Fun fact; "mountain dew" is an old euphemism for moonshine. The soda was originally intended as a mixer.
You seem to have missed my point entirely; the sex of a person in office does not determine which sex they are in favor of. Such an assumption is sexist. Heck, you're completely ignoring the rather obvious political differences on this issue to paint men, all men, with a broad brush. And you're ignoring the pro-life…
And when we look at the Democrats, we still see, oh, wait, mostly old, white men. Also, opposition to Abortion isn't only about women, and you know it, despite the "War on Women" rhetoric. It's also about fetuses. Also, there are plenty of female politicians who also oppose abortion.
QUOTE | "If we need games for 10-year olds do we need to hire 10-year olds to make games? If I can't make a game for someone else I'm a shitty designer." - Laralyn McWilliams, veteran game designer, explaining why hearing 'If we want more games for women we need more women in game development' annoys her.
You want a game set in a New York City analogue to be made by actual New Yorkers, don't you? Then go lend your efforts to the final few hours of the Kickstarter campaign for Treachery in Beatdown City. The latest development video captures a bit of how Shawn Alexander Allen and his colleagues are trying to pay homage…
Me too! I'm an art major, and I graduated several months ago...
What's wrong? They just had a rough night at the bars, put the wrong type of foundation on this morning.
Or I could just spend five bucks at Taco Bell.