Also, to add to what you’re saying, you decide to ride it out and it becomes normalized. It feels like that’s just the way it is. It’s fine.
Also, to add to what you’re saying, you decide to ride it out and it becomes normalized. It feels like that’s just the way it is. It’s fine.
The assistants probably shoulder the brunt of the abuse. If my boss berated me anytime he didn’t have a damn diet coke, I’d probably be sure the waitress was bringing a damn diet coke. Though it’s unlikely I would resort to ponytail-grabbing and cunt-calling.
...And that’s why there was an entire country full of nazis in recent history.
I worked on one of his movies a few years ago. I didn’t have a lot of contact with him, but when I did, it was generally unpleasant. His brother is even worse. And, yes, a lot of this stuff was public knowledge. Interjecting the gun control debate as a means of shielding himself just goes to show what a pig he is.
Lol your prompting actually reminds me of Weinstein prodding the women. But maybe if you ask again they’ll realise how much you want to hear it and they’ll do it for you out of generosity or whatever bullshit Harvey was thinking.
OMG. I just looked at her wikipedia. Its appalling
i on the other hand have no NDA so i can say:
You should see a lawyer, I’ve read in many cases the NDA isn’t worth the paper it’s on. Especially when the other party has broken the law. It’s a new ball game then.
You wanna hear something hilarious (not really)? I’m 52 year old and a medical writer. I was actually sexually harassed at my job (a contract research org/medical) by a medical doctor who was a director THIS YEAR. As a writer. He looked up my picture on LinkedIn. I have no pictures anywhere else, just that one. Based…
Conservatives (mostly on Twitter) are calling out Democrats because Harvey bankrolled so many of its candidates (and a few Michael Moore films) and say it’s hypocritical to judge Republicans based on the people that fundraise their campaigns. And you know what? They’re absolutely right.
Hi All,
“I’m just a helpless old guy out of touch with the ways of the modern world.”
Read the NYT Mag profile! It. Is. To. Die. For. SHE is a special otherworldly nymph we do not deserve
Damn! I have never considered that angle: that men are intimidated by women who don’t wear makeup!! Now that I think about it, maybe it intimidates other women too.
Bingo... And that is exactly what women are afraid of. Looking like themselves. Without the mask of Standard Issue Acceptable Female to do the communicating/ interacting with the world for them.
I know one of these. He lost the weight, so everyone should and should have by his timeline. If you didn’t you are a gross slob, just like he used to be.
Now that has actually been studied!
I love how most people are putting up pictures of themselves looking cute at prom, with kittens, in their cheerleading outfits, hugging their Mom, at a fricking beauty pageant - going ‘oh, I was so awkward and fugly!’. And everyone goes ‘Aw, so cute.’
Has anyone done extensive academic research comparing people who become better looking as adults vs good looking kids who became unattractive as adults. I’m just wondering who fares better psychologically. The late bloomers are often plagued with imposter syndrome bc of the bad childhood experiences but it’s just as…
Um, I wasn’t saying he was Jewish at all? I was saying I am Jewish and as a child, The Star Bellied Sneeches was a pretty important story to me, as was a lot of his writing that addressed racism/the holocaust in a child-friendly voice.