Mrs. Jones

I LOVED it about a year ago when I first signed up, but I canceled it a few months ago. I’m in NYC (and this is probably totally different for other cities) but I don’t think they scaled well. I had to be right in front of my computer at noon, a week before I’d take the class in order to get into the classes I wanted

100% agree, but what’s why I don’t think people should ask for or ever expect gifts or money for weddings. Expecting someone to give you something because you are making a life choice is tacky.

That’s why we should provide gifts like this when people graduate from college (yours just happened to coincide with when you got married). At that beginning stage, all of these things are really important. Most people aren’t getting married that early anymore and don’t NEED those things.

I’m a believer in the no gift thing. If I’m making the adult decision to get married, I should be in a position to be an adult and pay for the shit I need to be an adult. Yeah, money for a downpayment on a house or a fun trip would be nice, but that’s not the responsibility of my friends and family. It’s one thing if

I totally love gift giving too, but I do think when it comes to weddings there is a HUGE obligation to give gifts. People can say they never pressured people to give gifts for their wedding, etc, but I think weddings are one of the few times in life where people make a life choice and others are culturally obligated

Agree with that. I clarified with another person below. I think it’s tacky in general to straight up ask for gifts, but I also think general wedding gift giving rubs me the wrong way because how weddings and such have changed (people typically get married later, etc.).

I agree that the general gift giving around a wedding (outside of sentimental) is what rubs me the wrong way. Nowadays, I think there are better life events that desire a registry, for example when people graduate from college. That’s when you really “need” basic homegoods. I look at wedding giving as more of an

I think registries are SUPER tacky. It’s an outdated tradition that made sense when people got married at 18 and had nothing. If you’re in your late 20s, have been living together for years, then you really have everything you need and if you don’t already have a specific house ware by now you probably won’t really

This! I used to work at a sushi place in college. Loved when guys on dates would try and pronounce things in Japanese and I’d correct them in front of their date.

Maybe that's the Scandal! She so wanted to be a Senator that she forged her birth certificate so she could run early and Olivia has to cover it up.

Frazen was the basis of a book rant that I give about how I'm tired of reading about the fall of the American Dream from the eyes of an upper middle class white dude.


What article is this referring to? The original one about engagement rings?

Do you live in a major city? I've been going to the gym a lot more since I signed up for classpass. It's $100 a month, but you get 10 classes at gyms throughout the city (I think they're available in NYC, San Fran, LA, Boston and Chicago). I love it. When you sign up for a class, you're charged if you don't go, so

That was it!

I think someone did that recently, but I remember no name and no state. So I am of no help.

And she was totally boring before Revenge too (sorry, I don't think she can hold a screen at all).

They might have been on Top Chef Masters and not the regular Top Chef, if that helps with your search.

I watched Everwood and Parks & Rec, but I really fell head over heels in love when I saw him and his wife (Anna Faris) on Top Chef. I was like, I want to get beers with these people!

And itchier. I'm a waxing convert! Love the wax! When I used to shave, I hated it (and felt uncomfortable) as it would grow in. With waxing, I don't mind if I'm a few weeks late to an appointment.