Mrs. Jones

It's such a good movie! I'm surprised it doesn't get more mentions, especially on sites like this.

I'm sad about this, but it reminds me of a film I was obsessed with as a tween called All I Wanna Do. It's about an all girl's school that has decided to let in boys and a group of girls who are trying to stop it. Stars Kirsten Dunst, Gaby Hoffman, and Heather Matarazzo. Vincent Kartheiser is in it too. I rewatched it

I think the content will still be there, but I can't imagine how they would stage (film) that song. I think it will be set up with a lot of dialogue and a shortened song. BUT I haven't seen the film yet, so I'm just speculating.

Mine was Les Mis, so I now how you feel.

At least Les Mis stayed true to the source material. You know they're going to change major plot points.

And we knew they would need to cut that 9 minute opening song anyways. How would you film that?

Have you seen both or are you joking? I ask because I'm debating buying tickets to the one that's part of the musical festival.

It will almost 100% be next Monday (per all the predictions).

Oh God! I never had it that bad, but our manager was pretty gross too. 35, huge coke head, always dating younger women. My "favorite" memory of him was when he walked up to the hostess stand to start talking about a girl sitting with her family at one of the tables. I was 17, this girl was tops 15. I told him that she

That's what I thought too. Creepy, but on its own, not banning worthy. I mean, what if he heard her talking about how hungry she was and bought her a candy bar. If it was just the tampon thing, it speaks more to society's overreaction to periods in general. (my Dad works at a company that sells tampons, so they've

Yeah, I was surprised there wasn't a story about sexual harassment between staff members. I waiting in high school and college. The place I was at in college was much better, but the sexual harassment I experienced in high school was horrible (male waiters rubbing my legs to see if I'd shaved, BJ jokes in the freezer,

Whoops! That was the middle of the Rangers game, so I was a few drinks in.

I majored in comms at one of the best schools in the country. Got a job offer 6 months before I graduated (before anyone else I knew) and am making about double medium household income in NYC and I'm 25. The major did me well.

Sorry. I thought the plot was pretty clear. Knew that was happening since the trailer. I apologize if you were spoiled. It's still a good movie.

I didn't think that was a shock to anyone who has read about the film. One of the reasons it's being viewed as an important film is she goes through with it and it's not a big deal.

Saw it last weekend and love it! Teared up because there's a scene at the end, post procedure, where she's looking around at all the other women and everyone just looks so relieved.

I felt the same way about Violet, but I've seen her before in other shows and know she's amazing. If you're NYC based and under 35, you can get $25 tickets to Violet. That's how I'm seeing it in a few weeks.

That's what I say to my grandma frequently. I don't believe in organized religion, but I believe in a god (I'm a deist). I tell her my god is a chill dude that just wants people to do good things. Sometimes I talk to him. He's all, whatever. But her god sounds like an asshole. Don't only worship me all the time- HELL!

I think this is great in theory, but rarely gets implemented correctly. I worked at a place that said they were ROWE, but in reality you still have to put in the time to keep up appearance. There were many Fridays where I was done with my work but was screwing around on Gawker bc it wouldn't look good if I left.

The best! Who needs to write a real story, when you can just pull stock characters from 50 years ago? We also have the "spider woman" or the immaculate asian male.