Mrs. Jones

I loved the magazine. And I had "The Care and Keeping of You" or something like that. It was a body book. AMAZING. Handle periods and pubic hair really well for young girls.

I have said this multiple times, but I'm a huge fan of American Girl (yeah yeah, consumerism, but every toy is). They aren't Barbie thin/"perfect", they encourage reading, and most girls look at them as a "friend" and not a baby, so it's not encouraging traditional feminine roles in young girls, like other dolls do.

Unless they're pull and peal

Harry Hamlin did it all? Did you not see season 2? The season of "Lets blame everything on Beaver!"

I don't children, but I've been vocal for years about how my children will have dolls of all races (I'm white). The only non-white dolls I had growing up were my American Girl Dolls (and TBH they're amazing and I want my children to have them for multiple reasons).

That's what I keep saying. The film is going to be horrible, but so beautiful to look at.

Kids are 100% a lifestyle choice. You get pregnant, you decide to keep the baby. You have a lot of agency when deciding to become a parents.

In my 20-something NYC bubble, this show is really popular, everyone loves it and are crying over the possibility of it being canceled. BUT my 50-year-old Southern father loves the shit out of the show too. How is the world not watching it?!

I'm in a Revlon teal. Can't remember the name, but Essie's Turquoise and Caicos is nice. And, I just wrote this on someone else's post, Wet N Wild's Megalast in Mint is amazing and super cheap!

I've found that Wet & Wild nail polish works wonders. Easy to put on. Dries fast. And it's like $1 a bottle. Only problem is it doesn't come in more colors.

teal/aqua is my go-to spring/summer color. It kinda matches nothing, so it matches everything. I'm also a weirdo about my nails. It puts me off it the color clashes with my outfit, but being extra clashy works.

18 seconds.

I read a lot of slate and a ton of dear prudence and it seems like half of the problems can be solved by just having an adult conversation with your significant other. I'm floored by the things people feel embarrassed to talk about with someone they've been with for years.

Is your sister in NYC or NY state? I recently had some landlord issues and there are a lot of organizations in the city that are there to specifically help with things like this.

Good to know. I've never lived in a house with a septic tank and luckily my old apartment building hasn't had any plumping issues in the 4 years I've lived there, but it's something I'll keep in mind.

You're not supposed to flush tampons?...

Guys can only get lazy because women allow it. Don't put up with that shit and it doesn't happen, but if you continue to pick up after them and do work for them bc you can do it better/faster then they'll be lazy. Hell, I'd be lazy too if someone would clean up after me. It's not innate in men, it's trained.

I agree. Men are no longer getting married straight out of college. While I've known a few who have piles of dishes in their sink and go months without washing their sheets, that's not the norm. They learn to pick up after themselves too.

Danny Tamberelli (little Pete on Pete and Pete) follows me on Twitter and I feel like the coolest person ever.

I thought everyone knew this too. My mom's feet went up half a size with every kid (she only had 2).