wHy dO We nEeD CaNoPiEs aLaNiS CaNoPiEs aRe uGlY AnD DuMb
wHy dO We nEeD CaNoPiEs aLaNiS CaNoPiEs aRe uGlY AnD DuMb
Looking at that pic, all I can think is damn, 80's CART looked cool. Time to go smoke some Marlboros, drink a Budweiser, and crank some Huey Lewis on the Kraco
I agree, the Corkscrew is a sight to see in person. I have been lucky enough to drive on the track for parade laps and ride as a passenger during hot lap sessions. The climb up to the Corkscrew is intimidating, but when you reach the top and roll into the corner at speed, it’s downright scary.
Man the cars from the lead picture, should be ‘87, are what open wheeled cars are supposed to look like. Low, wide, simple wings, perfect.
That would earn a penalty in F1.
Much as I’ve enjoyed watching stuff from Sonoma, Laguna Seca has the corkscrew, so that’s the end of the debate really...
An RX-3 front end is the last thing I expected to see on an FD
You got owned, Samer. Anyone find it ironic a (beta) man wrote this article?
You don’t get it yet, do you? Deadspin firmly believes that all sports writing outside of their site is trash and racist.
You refer to Bleacher Report as “a sports site for idiots” and then followed up with an article about Detroit Lions players touching mystery objects in a box.
Haha. Site that exists on delving into people’s personal business and exposing it for money doesn’t want their business exposed. Hilarious.
He did it for Hulk Hogan’s dick pics.
This news makes me incredibly happy. HAHAHAHA fuck you “gizmodo media group” aka “trashy no good bloggers that do nothing but bitch about everything group”
Poetic Plot Twist: Hulk Hogan buys Gizmodo Media Group for not even a tiny fraction of his winnings from the Gawker suit.
HAHAHAHA! The level of salt in this post is enough to give someone a heart attack. Keep being butthurt and attacking people as oppose to actually....you know.....improving. Drew is the only reason to even come to this site anymore. You all deserve this, crybabies.
It would have cost a lot more, but he had to take the comments along with it.
“10 Reasons Why Some Chode Bought Gawker.com”
Is this where we complain about never getting our full 500 Days of Kristin?
I mean, it’s fucked up right? The notion that it seemed so easy for him? To just do it, to actually try and pull it off? What a fucking asshat.