
Calling 911 to report someone merely using a bike isn’t make a false report of a non crime? There’s no crime here to report. Hence it’s false and since 911 calls can be traced (for landlines) and are recorded, there can be more than enough evidence for a conviction.

When I was a kid, bike racks were damn near everywhere.

Falsified use of the 911 system is illegal as hell pretty much everywhere. From DC’s municipal code website:

No, I actually totally get this. Maybe calling 911 on individual riders isn’t the way to go about it, but dockless bike shares are fucking dumb and somewhat dangerous. Docked bike shares make waaay more sense. They ensure bikes won’t be left where bikes ought not to be, ie, all over the sidewalk in a residential

You’ve obviously had nothing to do with Suzuki GT750s.

Interestingly enough, that’s similar to how my daily driver smart caught on fire. In the summer of 2016 I was driving home from a contract when I just so happened to touch my handbrake was burned my hand. I didn’t have a whole lot of time to be curious about it because twenty seconds later the CEL came on.

Haha, joke’s on you bitches, I’ve got two stroke cars! And motorbikes as well. Nyaah nyaah.

Twitter video is the new RealPlayer.

another angle:

actually, that car had just flipped and the cops rolled up on him to make sure everyone was alright.

Quite the killjoy, aren’t you?

Yeah, I don’t write the most uplifting stuff. But hopefully you found more than just 180 proof grief in here. Also, I’d note that I don’t believe John (unlike our BMW guy) suffers from any “mental health issues.” I’d also note that people who suffer from a disability (developmental, intellectual, or physical) are just

My father died eleven days ago. He fell a few months ago and broke his pelvis, and he spent six weeks in a nursing home, and he managed to get himself released and back home and then he just... died.

I take this idea of a new series as seriously as I did Marchionne going around suggesting the sale of FCA to anybody with an incorporated LLC and spare pocket change.

Hey, Sergio!

It’s easy to be the biggest spender when you receive the biggest payout.

I think guys give oral because they want to receive it.

Hm. Maybe you tell us what you want, then. I’ll wait.