
Ok......that was pretty awesome.

Wasn't there talk of a suspend/resume feature in these new consoles or am I just imagining that?

PlayStation 3 and 4 players were the only ones who had a special mission called "MGS1 Déjà-Vu," which let them play as a polygonally retro version (seen above) of longtime series protagonist Solid Snake looking like he did in the original 1998 Metal Gear Solid. Xbox 360 and Xbox One players, meanwhile, were the only

The problem I have with the new film series is that I just can't look past how perfect Tobey Maguire was as Spider-Man in the original series. It feels like I'm watching an imposter when I see Andrew Garfield (who's actually a pretty good Spider-Man in his own right) slinging webs. I guess I thought Amazing Spider-Man

Top gif makes me think "pick up the can."

Kotaku should be titled Snarktaku. Wow you're famous Kotaku!

You know, the last time I played Bioshock Golf it didn't go so well... :c

Now playing

Awesome, just need a couple more pictures!!!!!!

Actual, undoctored strip.

Morgan Freeman.

A sex doll releases a single... That makes sense, in more than one way

Want proof at how unpopular this love doll idol is? Nobody showed up to the Silicon Maru's meet-and-great. Nobody.

This. Randy Pichford is NOT Michael Bay, M. Night Shyamalan, or Peter Molyneux. Everyone seems to forget that Gearbox was not the only one to mess with Aliens, and yet they get the blame almost every time. Not to mention, this article has nothing to do with Aliens, or questioning a developer. It's about a bit that

Oh look, here come the Aliens: Colonial Marines comments.

Best game about being a spider?

Even the games that LOOKED next-gen don't seem to be really next-gen (Second Son). The takeaway I'm getting from all this is that I need to upgrade my PC.

Discussing his substitute move and whether or not he'll sacrifice health to use it, like in Pokemon games