Jonathan R.

I've been playing free-to-play games on Facebook and mobile devices for years now, and I've spent maybe $40 across more than 100 different titles. That's what, $2.50 a game? That seems fair to me.

Shadow's arms were coloured in too though. You're a smidge late for that sort of observation...

You mean like a rectal lasso? I repeat, Jesus. Getting large, breakable objects stuck in your ass is not the time for DIY.

They should probably rename element "Bbw".

Now playing

I'm pretty sure he composed this song by himself...

spelling mistake, long should be lung

I believe the "wall socket" was supposed to be a belly button (or where the belly button should be). Which would make it quite appropriate for the article.

What about collars?!

Magnus Carlson, what an awesome super villain name, and he plays chess no less.

I don't consider myself a violent, or irrational person. I try to think things through logically before reacting to a situation, as my reaction may be taken the wrong way by observers.

Fuck this noise.

Sorry, no. I'll elaborate: I'm so tired of this attitude towards Nintendo, how about instead of "Why don't they stop making consoles?" we ask "Why don't they make a better console?" I don't want them to go anywhere, they offer something the other systems don't.

Hot HD tiling action! Check out those crisp lines.

I hate eating chemicals of any sort. That's why I consume nothing but the cold, unforgiving vacuum of outer space. (And even then, I sometimes get trace atoms stuck in my teeth. Pisses me off.)

* Jumps out of the way of the pseudo-intellectual people who call out others as pseudo-intellectuals stumbling this way*

There's one very good reason why I took X over Y. This attached image will make you understand:

Lmao I can totally understand man. A truly traumatizing level. from what I remember that chicken would get angrier and glare at you the worse your score was... Horrible.

It's actually worse in Gnomoria. You need to make a mattress, which requires a tailor, which requires a bone needle, which means either slaughtering one of your starting yaks or the first one born.

Yeah, rabbid badger pit does sound like the ultimate in home defense. :)

Meh. Grizzly bears are soooo last season! Keeping a room full of wolverines to use on annoying visitors is the in thing now, don't ya know.