Jonathan R.

I was more describing the limitations of the PS1 rather than talking specifically about what the PSX FF games did to make themselves look pretty.

Native res != analog output signal. They didn't need to interlace the 320x240 resolution, instead the vertical lines just got duplicated for each scanline pair.

Eh, the character models look about right for the field map models IMO. The textures are way too high resolution (well, at least they are rendered too sharply), but the models themselves seem fine.

I never found Borderlands fun, but that is the comparison I hear a lot.

In all of your ranting about how games are having the essence sucked out of them by speed-runs... you seem to be blissfully unaware of the journey it took those players to be able to do a record-setting speedrun in the first place.

Man... the sacrifices we made going to 3D.

Honestly I always felt like that method of doing things was a lot like how traditional animation works. You've got your well-crafted static background... and then some strangely colored bushes on top of that which can be animated, and you have your actors walking around on another layer on top of all that. Then

Was PS1 capable of doing progressive scan? I thought it was 480i only.

There's way too many trees of relatively high detail in that gif for it to be a PS1 game. Should have just been a single poorly aliased poster image repeated a few times.

That's not necessarily a good thing. Hitchhiker's guide got rather unfun in all of the books after the third.

Plus there is little more aggravating for people who don't care about trophies/achievements than seeing a slow-moving progress bar block you from getting into your game saying that it has to synchronize trophy data or some bullshit.

Enlighten me, because I don't. This looks more like a pseudo-mosaic style to me.

Actually, a boss rush mode would be a pretty cool addition to the games IMO.

I'm suddenly really aware that Dark Souls features very little fighting on elevators.

* ups the ante with Olga Flow from PSO *

So droopy... dude clearly needs MOAR HAIRSPRAY

You need to think further out than a few years ago when predicting the future.

It's impossible not to crave chocolate after watching this video

PSO did alright and it will probably be fondly remembered long after everyone has forgotten about Dynasty.

Also hospital bills because they have to keep themselves alive in order to play games.