Jonathan R.

Nah, you've got it. Progression is always one of the biggest things that excites me about an RPG and even when it comes to how the game plays during combat we don't have any idea what the enemies are like or what you can do inside of battle that doesn't amount to the most basic parts of DMC or Bayonetta.

Slightly more like getting bitter about clicking into an article titled 'Check out this baseball game footage' only to find it's just two minutes of baseball buried under a bunch of basketball stuff.

He's been working with them for half a decade

I didn't start out mad about it... just bitter.

Whatever. If you think frustration over an 8 year development cycle that was initially touted as being something completely different amounts to a need for instant gratification, that's pretty jacked up. I never asked for the game to release immediately or even soon. All I ever wanted was for them to stop focusing on

*sigh* I've explained why I don't really consider that actual gameplay a couple times now. Suffice to say, it didn't leave me feeling informed... it just left a generic action-gamey taste in my mouth.

The corporate bullshit is what has left me so disillusioned in the first place. What makes you think that the justification of it being to please shareholders is supposed to make me more accepting of it?

Pffft. They wouldn't be in those situations in the first place if they just didn't announce their games too early.

And you are probably an idiot.

I disagree with that assertion.

Bullshit. I don't pre-hate the game, I'm just annoyed at how Square-Enix has handled the development and marketing of it.

Honestly? I'd probably be happy just to learn about how your characters get stronger and to have a vague idea of what kinds of abilities you can expect them to acquire, whether there is equipment to be gained, what the combat has in it that makes it more strategic than attacking and dodging attacks once in a while.

All the recurring monsters, summoned god beings, mascot characters and recurring weapon names and stock classes and whatnot aren't what makes a Final Fantasy game a Final Fantasy game. What you are describing is self-reference.

What is there really to prove? Seeing a character do some slashes and demonstrating you have the ability to block/autododge attacks doesn't really inform you of what a game is like. Hell, we knew it was an action RPG back in 2006 as well and just knowing that much you can pretty much guess all of the mechanics they

Whatever helps you to think what you want to think.

Oh sweetie pie cupcake muffin, your soft little ears have clearly never heard the words of a real sailor.

Are you serious? You don't see the absurdity in that?

Nothing I'm complaining about has anything to do with intent to purchase. All of my frustration arises purely out of the way Square has promoted the game to us so far. Don't you think it's just a little ridiculous that we were hearing about product endorsement for shit like Armani suits and colognes before the game

I don't feel emasculated. I don't really give a shit about anything you have to say. I'm just saying you are a hypocrite.

Ehhhhh, they showed some fights it's true, but there wasn't much context behind them and while they adequately conveyed that yes, FFXV plays a lot like an action game, we don't know much about how it plays as an RPG... and as a fan of the series, I care a lot more about that angle.