Jonathan R.

Of course it's still popular... possibly even the single most popular game right now. But the amount of money we are talking about right now is just a tiny bit south of 75,000,000 copies of Minecraft at full retail price ($27 for the PC version right now). More if you are talking about the console versions ($20) and

Just to put this into perspective for you, that's a million dollars two thousand times. If it's about creative freedom, Notch could take .5% of that money (10,000,000 dollars) and head a professional development staff to make a Minecraft killer under a new company.

Pretty sure Microsoft won't be interested in a WiiU port.


Ok, so this is the list you want to use then:

You keep asking about other cases though. The article appeals to other cases. Is it wrong when I talk about other cases, but alright when you do so? Obviously not.

Plus sometimes he is hunched over and sometimes he stands fully upright. What up with that?

I think it's an understandable reaction that in some cases may be justified.

I will never accept that lude raised-eyebrow smile.

In order for that statement to be true it has to have demonstrably less mechanics to master than something like Street Fighter and you'd be hard-pressed to demonstrate that.

Setting the whole idea of contractors aside for now since that has a heavy air of supposition (contests like this will almost certainly never be a primary source of content within a released game)...

Oh, I thought it was just called the 'blight beast'. I didn't notice the "Lu'ca" bit in the screenshot on account of the purple font. My bad then... that's pretty solid.

So if the artists aren't being abused in this relationship, why is what the company is doing wrong? In order for something to be wrong, someone or something must be wronged, so who or what is that in this case?

Alright, some more questions then...

Ehhhhhhhh, that still seems really light on reference to me and more likely just heavy on coincidence. Blizzard has little aversion to calling things '____ beast' as well. Warcraft's kodo beasts and Diablo 3's own savage beasts pop right into my head. In fact, beast is a whole family of monsters in Diablo 3 and they

Not purely. An open-source product also guarantees the rights of modifying and redistributing the finished design.

Fine fine, I've got some questions.

Oh my gosh, he is capable of learning. A simple response is a lot harder to poke holes in than one that is all across the board.

And I wiiiind him up and watch him go. You realize that saying something in an elaborate and redundant way doesn't really change how difficult it is to prove right?

You said as much yourself: