Jonathan R.

Accepting people's contributions while intending to profit off of them doesn't make you a crook. I don't give a damn about the exposure angle. If you willingly give something away without expecting compensation, then you shouldn't expect to be compensated for it. That's just Indian giving.

You are entirely focused on appearance, but the word superficial isn't only concerned with appearance, it's also concerned with the immaterial.

It's superficial with regard to the topic of the discussion. If the stuff you are describing isn't of consequence to deciding whether or not something marks a generational shift, then it has no bearing.

Mods are a major motivational for some people to buy games in the first place.

Also, no one complains when a game is built on the back of crowd sourced content like levels (LBP) or character designs (Spore), but for some reason when it's music people get passionate about it? What a load of bullshit.

Unless you know... maybe your motivation for doing something isn't compensatory.

"So if you expect to make money in part as a result of my work, you had better be prepared to send some of it my way."

And what does someone who volunteers to work at a soup kitchen for a weekend get exactly?

The same argument could be used to say that people shouldn't volunteer to build homes for the homeless since that reduces the incentive for the city to hire contractors to make housing projects.

And the artists who get involved in that are aware of that and willing to participate anyway.

Difficult to comment or reflect on, not having played it and all. I doubt it's the kind of thing that would have appealed to me personally, and the narrative isn't really the driving factor behind the games I play.

"but the N3DS is almost like the Snes was compared to the Nes"

You realize his argument is that they are enough to justify giving it the same moniker that marked a generational shift from NES to SNES right? And holy crap, yes, all the things you are described have absolutely zero bearing on that kind of shift, ergo superficial.

K, what the fuck ever your reasoning is.

There is nothing wrong with allowing people to voluntarily do work for you. It's not like they are forcing people by having a competition like that.

More buttons wasn't a feature of the SNES, more buttons was a feature of the SNES's standard controller.

"You know what I don't want to hear when playing a game about cutting demons in half with a giant sword? A plotline that Tom Clancy's co-authors would have rejected." Couldn't have said it better myself! I mean, think about it: this is a game about demons and monsters and magical creatures locked in an eternal, epic

Sure, sure, but it's one that doesn't really validate the point you were trying to me.

Each new iPhone is fully backwards compatible with the previous one's software though. Meanwhile it takes a while for a new console to really come alive.