Jonathan R.

There has been so much hate. So many angry words, so many accusations, over...what? Video games? Women in video games? People who write about video games?

"The initial purpose was not to become a multiplayer paywall."

Early in the movie, Bo Peep makes a very suggestive comment to Woody when she asks: "What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?" But assuming that Woody and Bo Peep follow the mainstream trends in action figure design, both of them probably weren't made to be perfectly...anatomically correct. So

They should make the blue shell explosion a whole lot bigger (like a track wide and with a mushroom cloud) and last a whole lot longer so that it actually affects people in second and third (unless first just has a huge lead) so that it can actually have a chance to be useful to people who are far back enough to use

I'll acknowledge I didn't have any inkling of a release date for Bloodborne (and I'm just eternally salty at Last Guardian and FF Versus skipping PS3), but I just find it irritating that people keep acting like the new consoles are bustling marketplaces of new and exciting stuff when there are only a handful of things

Yes, it does. I remember doing this when playing locally and when we all picked Yoshi I explicitly thought 'you know, this would be a perfect opportunity for palette swaps'.

No Man's Sky and Bloodborne are both about as tangible right now as Last Guardian was back when the PS3 was just hitting its stride.

Every generation of consoles boasts the claim of having the fastest selling consoles of all time for a time. It's pretty meaningless until you are a few years out from launch. It's still pretty hard to act like either PS4 or XBox One are anything more than homogenous watered down PCs right now.


BlazBlue: Haha, hahahaha. Nope.

My trolling is just a little too sincere for you to appreciate it. If you ever change your mind and decide you want to kill all the snakes, give me a call.

xkcd isn't meant to be funny most the time. Instead, it's meant to amuse.

That's an example of when things can go wrong, but you are talking about a predator that kills shitloads with or without being hungry and with a monstrous metabolism. A snake is none of those things.

Considering they eat like once a week, I doubt their loss wouldn't be quickly compensated by a slight increase in another predator species that eats similar small prey.

What, for thinking that snakes aren't significant contributors to the health of an ecosystem? Because they aren't. They don't do enough damage to effectively thin populations and they aren't eaten in large enough numbers to provide a significant source of food to other predators. They just kind of exist and haunt

While technically correct is the best kind of correct, that doesn't change the sentiment at all.

Do you know what happens to people who call me a wimp?

One cat can outkill a dozen snakes probably. Also look fabulous doing it.