Jonathan R.

Early in the movie, Bo Peep makes a very suggestive comment to Woody when she asks: "What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?" But assuming that Woody and Bo Peep follow the mainstream trends in action figure design, both of them probably weren't made to be perfectly...anatomically correct. So

They should make the blue shell explosion a whole lot bigger (like a track wide and with a mushroom cloud) and last a whole lot longer so that it actually affects people in second and third (unless first just has a huge lead) so that it can actually have a chance to be useful to people who are far back enough to use

I'll acknowledge I didn't have any inkling of a release date for Bloodborne (and I'm just eternally salty at Last Guardian and FF Versus skipping PS3), but I just find it irritating that people keep acting like the new consoles are bustling marketplaces of new and exciting stuff when there are only a handful of things

Yes, it does. I remember doing this when playing locally and when we all picked Yoshi I explicitly thought 'you know, this would be a perfect opportunity for palette swaps'.

No Man's Sky and Bloodborne are both about as tangible right now as Last Guardian was back when the PS3 was just hitting its stride.

Every generation of consoles boasts the claim of having the fastest selling consoles of all time for a time. It's pretty meaningless until you are a few years out from launch. It's still pretty hard to act like either PS4 or XBox One are anything more than homogenous watered down PCs right now.


BlazBlue: Haha, hahahaha. Nope.

To be fair a core i5 can be anything from a 430um (2 core mobile processor running at low voltage around 1.2ghz from 2010) to a 4690k (4 core desktop processor with unlocked cpu multiplier running at 3.5ghz from a couple months ago). Core i5 doesn't necessarily mean a really high performance processor.

It just strikes me as so incredibly lame that when we are talking about releases on XBox One and PS4 for the next year, we are mostly talking about continuations of the same 3rd party crap from last generation with almost nothing that distinguishes either of them from anything else on the market. For a person like

Yet another? How many fighting games does the Wii U even have right now? All I can think of is Injustice.

It does for people who do own one though, and there are probably more PC gamers out there right now than people who own a PS4 or an XBox One. For others, it sure does take the wind out of the sales. Neither console appears to have much of anything to attract people to it more than the other.

Sure, but to a person who owns a capable PC there is practically no reason to get an XBox One or a PS4 for about another year while there is every reason to get a Wii U if they don't already have one. Your list just served to illustrate that point.

Holy crap, literally everything you listed there other than Metal Gear and Mortal Kombat is better on PC. And even MK 10 is coming to PC... the only reason it isn't overtly better there is because it's just meant to be played on a TV with friends.

Everybody's talking, but nobody's listening.

Wow that's a whole lot of ports and stuff without release dates and for a good number, things without even announced projects. It's even got some 7 years in the making vaporware on there.

Yeah... that's... real specific.

I didn't outright say it was a terrible idea because I don't think it's a terrible idea. It's just a questionable one that I have mixed feelings about.

I'm familiar with Pokemon Conquest. It's a thing, but I wouldn't really consider it a heavy-hitter like Hyrule Warriors is poised to be.