I make lots of positive comments. But if you want to play that game, we can. Sorry for pooping on your beloved hobby.
I make lots of positive comments. But if you want to play that game, we can. Sorry for pooping on your beloved hobby.
Project Spark shouldn't count for obvious reasons.
Looks like someone looked up the origin of the word portmanteau.
More like a half banana and a half zucchini, but close enough.
The fact that I couldn't find a source for the Dr. Mario model used in both leaker 1 and leaker 2's shots makes me think this might actually be credible. But if so, wow, I never ever expected Duck Hunt Dog to be a thing.
The obvious question to ask in response to Sakurai's statements here is why the 3DS version is coming first instead of second considering the series background as a console fighting game.
I don't mean in the legal sense obviously, I simply mean that it's something disdainful.
Nah, a pun at least requires an observation to be made. All portmanteau takes is taking two words, stripping out a couple letters, and smashing them together.
And that's why portmanteau is the laziest form of word play.
You didn't miss much with Wrath Unleashed (no one ever said the spirtual sequel has to be better than the original). Archon 2 on the other hand was pretty neat.
Not only that, but in the case of Chess the original creator is actually unknown. That only makes it more ridiculous to act like you can make a 'sequel' to it. It's not unreasonable, the whole idea was that making a sequel to chess should be something that is seen as impossible. The only reason I mentioned a…
IMO people shouldn't be allowed to call something a sequel to something when they had no relationship to its creation or without the approval of some hierarchy of people who were given the authority to do so by the original's creator.
Chess 2 is Archon and Chess 3 is the incredibly slow to load Wrath Unleashed.
I'm kinda surprised more people thinking competitive video games are a sport than Poker.
I like how he has the triangle cut ends to his pants and vest thing. Very Flintstones.
Deadlines and budgets are separate concepts and the presence of one doesn't set the other. Generally though, more expensive projects take more time... not less. Partly because it just costs more money to keep people around for a longer period of time.
It'll probably be backwards compatible too :P
I didn't say any of them have more money (although let's be realistic here, Sony isn't in a wonderful position financially right now either), but do they have enough money to publish a game? Certainly. It all comes down to who gives them the most and takes the least while placing the fewest restrictions. Outside of…