Jonathan R.

Not necessarily. If you cast crystal soul spear and you have something that watches the memory for the game object that the cyrstal soul spear creates, you can simply take control of the projectile's already existing ability to spin and forcibly move it to where you want it to go. The crystal soul spear is already

That's not really true. If you modify the textures in a local copy of a game for instance, that's still a mod (if an insignificant one), but the effect doesn't carry to any other people.

Particle effects have been in basically every major game since the PS2 days dood.

The particle effects themselves are actual, finished, complete particle effects. They simply changed the paths of the emitters.

People throw on cheat engine and such and then invade you with an infinite supply of cracked red eye orbs, they tweak their soul memory so that they can invade really low level people even if they actually are max level, they spam infinite magic, and to top it all off they make themselves invincible. Hackers in DS2

Eh, I always associate Ride of the Valkyries with helicopters flying around and blowing stuff up for some reason.

We cram a significant amount of meaning into the word radar.

Uhhhh... not sure what the relationship you are referring to is.

Among similarly skilled players though, it certainly has a tendency to come down to luck. And I don't even necessarily mean within a small skill window.

Absolutely. As in, in both absolute truth and in the ways that matter.

I remember in MGS3 you could choose to kill a boss by letting him die of old age. That's pretty silly.

I did say. / /u_u\ \

It's just another item on the long list of odd things people do with speech. Like when people say literally when they mean figuratively.

I might have played a whole lot more XB360 if mine weren't so loud that I just couldn't stand turning the beast on. As a result I ended up almost always favoring PS3 releases.

The topic of discussion was 'But the original 360 was a poorly designed piece of crap.'

Those skills you picked up during bondage play could really come in handy for that job you are applying for to make a robot that automates the task of rigging ships. Yeah, for some reason we are putting a robot on a sailing vessel... it's a little anachronistic, but our extremely wealthy clientele demand it.

Really it's probably best not to put gaming on your resume even then. Maybe on a cover letter.

Ehhhhh, that doesn't make them the DOTA characters, that makes them the models the original DOTA characters were based on. Still practical rather than technical.

They work much like the transport tubes from Futurama.

That would reduce the randomness of him watching Good Will Hunting, but it would not reduce the quaintness of this event occurring in close approximation to a resurgence of people watching Good Will Hunting.