Jonathan R.

It's not endemic to the engine as much as it is a common problem for artists who don't know how to work with tiled graphics... or just simply aren't willing to put in the time (and it is a lot of extra time) to make their tilesets be able to accommodate perspective. You'll find both when looking at works largely

I'm pretty sure RPGMaker doesn't force you to use a background image drawn with vanishing point perspective and I'm also pretty sure it doesn't force you to not use diagonal lines in your tiles to fake perspective in your foreground artwork.

The clash of perspectives in this picture is slightly painful.

I wonder if there will be people in a few years time telling us we should be tipping the robots in spite of there being no human service rendered like they do now with food trucks and certain restaurants that are kinda small and don't have a waiting staff.

Slowking has monarch status while slowbro is just a frat boy. Clearly there is something off about what you are saying.

Thanks, that explains it perfectly.

I don't get why mega Slowbro would be a thing when Slowking exists. Why not have a mega evolution for Slowking instead?

The two or so top of the line cards that you need to cross the 60fps threshold don't come cheap either.

Yeaaaaaaah, um... a PC that can reliably play games at 4k resolutions with decent frame rates and good graphical settings will probably run you ~2500 dollars.

This looks neat. Vaguely gives me that Last Guardian vibe that had me so attracted to the PS3 when I bought it... and then it failed to materialize.

I don't think this is a strawman argument as much as it is misinterpretation. He saw windwaker-esque and thought it was a slight towards the game... a claim that it was derivative. It's not of course...

Eh, I've always preferred 7/11's slurpees to Icee.

Need to add 'so loud that it drowns out your game audio' to that list.

Lesser gamers? That seems a little out of left field. There is no question that full blown console games by and large tend to be more involved and well crafted games than the stuff that gets released on phones and here's a secret for you... I just plain don't game on phones. I don't care about the quality of the gamer

Yes, Every story has inconsistencies yes, but well... some have more. And comics (at least the ones by the big two in the US) being created by numerous sources and having their plots largely planned around major crossovers tends to lead to chaotic plots that cease to have any gravity whatsoever. I think that's

It just makes already inconsistent stories even more inconsistent.

I mean in general. Not just He-Man. Just thinking about how much crossing over Marvel has done over the years makes me ill and it's not like DC is any better about it.

*Note to everyone who star'd this post — according to another poster (backed by a source), Sims 4 doesn't actually run on Glassbox. I will now commit Sudoku to regain my honor.

I'm normally extremely quick to agree with this sentiment, but well... this is EA we are talking about and they should have the foresight to plan their engines with the ability to support long standing features in a fourth installment of a series. Given how they have monetized this franchise in the past, you shouldn't

PM = project manager