Jonathan R.

The reason people stuck with Windows XP wasn't due to interface changes in Vista/7, it was due to legacy programs. And it was mostly business users. You'd know that if you payed attention and weren't some sophist tool.

You'll be right back on it when Windows 9 comes out and you know it.

The fans cost ~10-15 dollars apiece. You can go up to 30 if you want really nice high airflow silent fans, but you really don't need to. But even if you did the premium on this mobo is north of a hundy.

No, people do that. They just don't like it. Hence why Microsoft conceded defeat on the whole removing the start menu thing and is bringing it back in Windows 9.

Lol, now he's posting images. The last bastion of the simpleton. I'm not whining you tool. I've fixed my problems. It's you who seems to have the problem here with people not adapting to your way of life.

I've already made use of the improvements and I've already got a start menu in Windows 8. That's the beauty of things... if you don't like how things work you can find some software to make things work the way you want them to. I don't have to adapt to some stooge's idea of what is right and proper. Instead I can

"pin folder full of shortcuts to the taskbar"
Ugh, that's even more distasteful. What you are suggesting at this point is that I reconstruct my start menu in a folder on the taskbar... only with none of the automation that made the start menu good and without the level of system integration that the start menu had. Why

All I heard was 'RAAAAAAAGE'

I already pin apps to the taskbar. I just don't pin all the apps to the taskbar. So yeah... you can take your half-assed armchair psychology and shove it.

In what way did it change your life? I'm curious.

I don't hate on Windows 8. I just don't like the start screen paradigm.

You can't seriously be suggesting that someone would consider it organized to have 15+ applications pinned to their taskbar. It would be a fucking mess and most of these other operating systems that do things like this aren't like Windows. The task bar in windows doesn't hide by default and it doesn't accommodate a

I'm not being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. I'm being argumentative because you are a twat who wants to act like everyone who doesn't agree with you is just wrong when you are talking largely about aesthetic things that are largely down to personal preferences and highly individualized practices.

You are just a douchebag who wants everyone to have the exact same workflow as yourself. That doesn't say a single positive thing about you. I know how to do everything you are describing. It just doesn't appeal to me to work that way and I'd rather do things in the manner that I feel is organized and sensible than

You don't notice it as readily today because it's popular with kids. Suffice to say the Michael Bay movie is probably going to have a higher budget than all of the previous turtles films combined adjusted to inflation, so... there's that.

Well the games sell about 1/10th of what a good Mario game sells these days (well, at least on the old Wii), so it makes sense that they don't put the proper effort into them. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy of course.

I tried rewatching it when I was about 16 and couldn't do it. It was just a little too juvenile for my tastes. Gargoyles on the other hand? Still awesome.

I was in line to ride some gokarts the other day (for reasons I won't go into) and I heard a bunch of kids singing the theme song for Sonic X which had me snickering a bit.

I'd agree with that assessment if not for two franchises that are stronger today than they ever have been: TMNT and Transformers.

Would you really argue that Summer Wars changed your life? It was good, but it wasn't profound.