Jonathan R.

It teleports you a number of squares (I think it was random in the original, but may be a set number in the remake) away from your current position in the direction you are holding while killing anything where you end up being placed (telefragging). If you happen to teleport into a wall, you die. Nothing too

All I can say is thank goodness. Fire Emblem having 5 characters... all sword users, would be ridiculous. That's right up there with the Mario franchise.

It's a two button fighter. That's twice as much justification as you are giving it credit for.

LOL having hardware vendors sponsoring it is kind of ridiculous considering that the game can be played on an aging toaster at full frames..

The better player will always win in Smash Bros, no matter what characters are being used.

He's low tier because most of his moves can get easily cheesed. Just using PKT to recover is dangerous because a lot of characters can just jump in front of it and leave you special falling over a pit. When it comes to magnet, all of the really high tier characters either don't use energy moves (Shiek, Marth, Peach,

People who play Ness have a lot of love for the game man. Regardless of whether he's a bad character or not. You probably wouldn't understand because you've never grabbed someone from the opposite side of the stage with yoyo glitch.

I'm pretty sure that your brain is playing tricks on you, because that statement has never been made at any point.

So Chrono Trigger is a game I loved the first time through and for the first few times I replayed it. It's solid throughout and battles are fast paced and fun. There is really nothing wrong with the game. It has a really fun story which delivers a good balance of quirky and weird to go along with its more serious

Doing something out of laziness and doing it purposely are usually conflicting concepts don't you think? I don't think anything I said implied he purposely used the box with the Kinect on it in order to trick people.

Yeah, it certainly beats having to get out of the game and subscribe to every puzzle you want in order to play them.

Early Access. They just announced 1.0 which means they are leaving the early access program.

For first timers who don't know what to expect out of Contraption Maker, I'd honestly suggest playing TIM: More Contraptions instead, primarily because the current release of Contraption Maker still seems a little early for 1.0 in my opinion and the More Contraptions release was very polished. Plus Contraption Maker

PO stands for pokemon online, a battle simulator. I was referring to the /me command which is used a lot in PO

so condescendingly? It wasn't that condescendingly. It's not like I used ALL CAPS to set a condescending tone or anything. I just find it mildly annoying to post a picture of something that costs a hundred dollars more than the actual item when that item is just forty dollars below the normal price

Gabe Newell looks strangely like Alice in Wonderland's white rabbit in this photo.

If it's the variant without the Kinect, why are you all showing a box that clearly has the kinect on it? Couldn't be assed to write the word cheap onto the other box?

Aw man, poor every Elder Scrolls game. Poor Deus Ex. Poor Ocarina of Time. TheRabbitHole says you guys are no good.

Still a hell of a lot, but not so much now that it feels like a completely stripped down experience probably.

This is confusing to me. The heads have the thin profile of flat screen LCD monitors, but they have the bulbous glass protrusion of a CRT. Also they are computers and I usually don't replace my monitors when I buy a new desktop anyway, but that much I can dismiss as artistic license.