Jon Ptolemy

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet the book that absolutely obliterated my Goodreads 2014 Reading Challenge:

It obviously wasn’t this guy or he’d have been shot dead no questions asked.

but his anti-Superman weapon: a spear laced with Kryptonite.

If I were a Londoner, I’d be pissed about the $91 mil wasn’t supposed to have come out from the city funds. That’d be the only issue I’d have.

He wasn’t, but after Lawrence Strange’s death he never really fills any role beyond a servant with a name, so nothing changes.

NEVER SEEN THE ORIGINAL?! You have only one mission this week, and that is to watch Big Trouble In Little China. Period.

Im not upset with this as long as they dont change the fact that Jack Burton is a idiot and Wang is really the hero of the movie.

The Blackist is the reason this question exists.

There’s a reason the show is named after him.

Michael Fassbender as Lucifer

Viggo Mortensen as Doctor Strange.

D: Good luck out there in the world. Io9 won’t be the same without your great contributions.

And SOLD! I am now taking shameless advantage of my university library access and checking this out.

We kinda already have that show.


How much longer do you think it’ll still count as ‘science fiction’ ?

Oh, it will happen. And we’ll all wish it didn’t.

I could have seen the cue “-shoots Greedo first- “It’s all in the reflexes.””