Jon Ptolemy

That's not custard.

I find it odd that porn Amy Pond is less sexualized than the real Amy Pond.

Omfg! I am so stoked for this game.

No need to be exasperated or apologize. I just had a moment of thinking "Did I imagine those pictures I saw?"

Kristin Stewart smiling, rare pic !!!!

How do you keep yourself interested in playing Iron Man seeing as you've played him so many times before?

People may say 'but—he wasn't Frodo's love interest.' Bullshit, I say. The way Sam and Frodo looked into each others eyes at the end of Fellowship was the most passionate expression of unrequited love I've ever seen. Sam and Frodo were so in love with each other they finished each other's Lembases.

Is that Transformers or Battleship? I can't even tell.

All my D&D-playing friends in high school loved him, but I hated him from the beginning.

Unfortunately the ad wound up being far scarier than the season.

Oh, all grown up and in a matching hoodie! I think it's the looser cut of the jacket is what looks better. And I love me some faux-corset-lacing.

I'm an atheist, but this parable seems the most apt: someone needs to start flipping some moneychanging tables at the temple.

For thine are the kingdoms of Arda,and the power, and the glory,for ever and ever...

Our Sauron who art in Mordor,accursed be thy name.Thy kingdom come.Thy will be doneon Middle-Earth as it is in Barad-Dûr.Give us this day our daily Lembas bread,and punish us our trespasses,as we slay those who trespass against us,and lead us into temptation of the Ring,but deliver us unto evil.For thine are the


Jack, the Russians don't take a dump without a Sarlacc.

Why is your living room so far away from your home?