Jon Ptolemy

I listen regularly to a wonderful podcast about true scary shit called Lore. The latest episode happens to be about human cannibalism and our fascination with it, from Hannibal Lecter to the legends of the Wendigo. If you aren’t listening to Lore, you are missing the shiz. Bone chilling every time.

I’m clearly not doing sufficient marketing.

I feel accomplished. Seen them at all but The Man in the White Suit and The Host. Am I the only one who thought Predestination was terrible?

“Masturbation event” is a term perhaps too grandiose for the display I put on in private. Maybe I am doing it wrong.

No, The Wise Man’s Fear was too much, too fast. Too crammed in. Name of the Wind was just about perfect to me.

Loved, LOVED, the first book. Second was too rushed for me. It seemed like he got halfway thru and realized he had too much ground to cover for the pace he had established. Still haven’t read the Auri novella but enjoyed the Bast short story in Rogues (anthology). I have to refrain from the urge to leap onto the page

I recommend everyone try it at least once. Apparently, when I was taking it on the semi-regular, 90% of the world’s LSD was made by one guy, William Pickard. Once the DEA busted him, it was very hard to get. I remember one day you just couldn’t get it anymore.

Probably the birth of my daughter. I, for the most part, didn’t really accept her existence until she was there. One moment she didn’t exist and then she was there. That and she became in an instant the thing that I loved most in the universe.

The newest Canadian aired episode “Zero Hour” reveals, for the most part, what Future Kellogg’s plan is (it’s a “ah of course, that’s it! Kellogg, you shit.”) And it also reveals the origin and purpose of the Freelancers. So answers are a-coming. I think the truncated season has benefited the show. It limits Kiera’s

Book recommendation re: The Brazen Head. Ars Magica is a historical fantasy by Judith Tarr (who has a PhD in medieval studies) about a monk named Gilbert who learns magic from a Muslim sorcerer (who owns the Brazen Head, later owned by Gilbert). Gilbert later becomes Pope Sylvester II, who is one of the many popes

Just listened to a podcast about this last night. Future Tense is an Australian podcast about technology and the world catching up to futurity. The new episode has about 30 min on the cognitive consequences, good and bad, of ditching handwriting in favor of text or voice-to-text. I recommend Future Tense in general as

Speaking of Richard Dragon, can we get the Question up in here for Arrow? I need some of that. But what’ll happen is, they’ll get the Question and the ignoramuses will start chiming in with “Look at that Rorschach rip-off!”

I took it for some time as I am a night shift person and suffer from shift work sleep disorder (I am alternately awake and sleepy at the wrong times). I did not notice any cognitive improvements nor indeed any real effect at all. Was informed that I am likely in the 3 or so percentile of people that are genetic

Awwwwww, I wanna watch but please not ANOTHER procedural.

That’s what I was thinking. Eye of Agamotto=Soul Gem.

See, I’ve enjoyed it pretty steadily. I do like Dark Matter better than Killjoys though. Dark Matter has really livened up since we started finding out about everyone’s histories.

I have to say I am really enjoying both Killjoys and Dark Matter. I didn’t think I’d ever watch SyFy again. And I don’t have to think too hard about either show. Unfortunately, I know me, and this will begin to irritate me sometime in the nearish future.