Jon Ptolemy

Unless, of course, they DID uncover evidence of time travelers and then, after discovery, the time travelers went back and erased the bits that revealed their presence.

Mind you I haven't been to Lexington in a few years but, living in Bowling Green, there is always more to do here than in Lex. I'm not sure this place will help.

So is Dracula a miniseries like they originally said or an ongoing series?

Are we done with River Song? Has she gone away? Somehow I think I missed it.

I've already started on my Game of Thrones marathon but I have a vague inclination to watch The Lost Room.

Is that the one with Jack Black as the school bully?

Loved Kult!!! I ran a couple of games back in the day and they were very well-received. I still have most of the books, and when I get a wild hair to run a new game of something, Kult is always on the list of possibilities.

Green Ronin does solid work. Love their Black Company rules especially the magic system.

Seam faces down. Goes in first time every time.

Miss this show so freaking much. I try to do a watch-thru of the series at least once a year.

Can we get some rpg stats for Van Helsing's Silver Hammer?

Ahhh, saw this last night watching The Walking Dead.

I don't know if that was a typo or what, but we should DEFINITELY call it the "Van Halen" cure from now on!