Jon Ptolemy

BTW, the dude who picks a fight with Supes in the bar is one of the time-travelers from Continuum: half-cracked Jason, son of Alec Sadler.


EVA GREEN! (swoon) I will allow it. You may proceed.

Weird fact: The blonde Peacock brother was Gillian Anderson's boyfriend.

I'll start with the obvious. How does one keep a plane from crashing into it?

Already been named several times below: "Inner Light" Star Trek: The Next Generation or " Vincent and the Doctor" Doctor Who

Joe Abercrombie's First Law Books

How does Dr Mindbender keep from pinching his own nipples off with the metal suspenders?

All this time has passed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Darcy is STILL
an intern?

I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT. Just the other day in a comment I said they (Arrow) were going to make Amanda Waller some kind of model-gorgeous and they did it. DRIVES ME NUTS, THIS SHOW.

To DC, on behalf of John Constantine, the Old 52 and Batwoman and her girl:

That looks terrible.

Thank the gods.

Ummm, this entire series, one of my favorites of all time. And the crappy X-Files tie-up episode doesn't count.

Probably not the greatest, but I love me some David Fincher.

I used to live in a small town in Kentucky which was a tourist trap mecca. It and surrounding towns tried to capitalize on their proximity to Mammoth Cave National Park (about 3 miles from my house.) Just down the road from me was Dinosaur World which was nothing but these lifesize concrete dinosaurs. This orange

I'm taking bets as to whether Arrow's Amanda Waller will be under 30 and model-gorgeous. It's my only real quibble with the show: the place is populated only with improbably attractive people.

James Spader: Putting the age in Age of Ultron. Just kidding! I have no opinion whatsoever on the subject. I'm sure he'll be great, young Joss knows what he is doing. That is all.

Yeah, maybe I'm not really giving her a chance, but I don't like her at all. Flat. Just another pretty face.