Just for you, Violet! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71923800/pussy_riot.mp3
Just for you, Violet! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71923800/pussy_riot.mp3
The stimulator is supposed to increase the powers of Alphas. When Nina resurfaced earlier this season, she had some memory issues and the strength of her Push had increased greatly. Has Nina run into Stanton Parrish and not remember it? Maybe Dani is not the only mole. And I thought one of them was supposed to die…
Painting the spots on Dax is a job that I envy.
There was the Dax/ Former-Lover-of-Dax( who showed up in a female body) relationship, which I believe was the first gay kiss on Star Trek.
Re: The Winter Soldier, I would like to cast my vote for Amanda Righetti (from The Mentalist) to make another appearance (she was the disguised SHIELD agent at the end of Cap 1.) I admire her in a creepy, stalker sort of way. Please and thank you.
Could this be how we finally see Jessica Jones on the screen?
So say we all.
I'd pay real money to see Javier Bardem in a movie where he didn't have stupid hair.
Is that the other SHIELD agent from "The Consultant" that Welliver is speaking to?
Is that the other SHIELD agent from "The Consultant?"
I am fascinated by scifi on the stage, having spent several years as a professional stage actor (and disappointed at having never gotten to do any.) With special effects severely limited on stage, it seems that this is the perfect venue for the great story-driven, character-driven drama that is missing from so much…
Jason Statham does a very convincing Jason Statham in that same way that Jeff Goldblum always plays Jeff Goldblum. While very talented in his own way, I am not sure he has the chops to be Matt Murdock.
If it makes you feel better, I have seen an article that mentions the imminent casting of Ramsay Snow in the show. I will try to dig up the article and a link.
I really appreciated the introduction of "The Rains of Castamere" in this episode. I have been waiting for it. There is a certain event next season that wouldn't be the same without it. Although, I did notice that in an early episode this season when Tyrion meets with Cersei and the Small Council, he enters whistling…
To quote Thunderdome: "Methane cometh from pig sh*t."
Absolutely! He kicks 9 kinds of acting butt in that episode.
This is a terrible idea. Just let the ******* movie stand! This Ryan Reynolds is of no use to anyone! BTW, I saw Chris Lambert on NCISSUVHHRC: Argentina or something this week and, man, he has had the Nicole Kidman face-stretch something awful. He barely looks human.