
The problem I see with retail, is that they are in competition with online storefronts, but they NEVER try to capitalize on what makes them different and then simply complains that online stores are making things hard for them.

This simply shows that the people running those companies have NO CLUE about what people

Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

For this year, IBonds are a good idea.  Indexed to inflation, they’re going to have a near 10% return, zero risk, cashable only with the loss of 3 mo. interest. $10K max per year per IRS filer. 

I’m also a person who has zero awareness of fashion trends. I wore jean shorts unironically until 2008 or 2009 because no one ever told me I wasn’t supposed to be wearing them. It wasn’t until a company outing to a baseball game when a coworker expressed his shock that I was wearing “jorts”; that was also the first

I wish people would go back to understanding that “gaslighting” is a specific phenomenon, and what 99% of what people describe online as gaslighting is a 1-2 combination of remembering things differently, and the other party lying to themselves to feel better about past them. I had a friend who regularly rewrote past

But also, maybe people will finally take this epidemic seriously. If Donald Trump has to get sick and die for his supporters to start wearing their fucking masks when in public, it’s a sacrifice worth making.

Whiteness is a political convenient aspiration / chumto toss to poorer whites and “model minorities”, as if anything other than whiteness is undesirable or no to standard.

“Just as kneeling during the national anthem is somehow an insult to not only the flag, but also to the military, the police and also to first responders.”

Whenever your heart stops receiving oxygen, it usually results in a fucking heart attack.

the part of the mask that collects all the germs you’re trying to not let in

A little perspective.

When young men were sent to fight in the World Wars, they were sent with the best fighting equipment we could provide, backed up with the best medical care available for the casualties, and provided them with generous benefits on their return in gratitude for the risks that they took. Get back to me with your plan to

I don’t think he’s totally wrong. At some point the country needs to open up, and it’s hard to imagine that we’ll be able to wait until things are perfectly safe to do so. But that’s not a good argument for opening up right now when the virus is completely out of control; right now the calculus supports waiting until

we’re going to destroy the American way of life in these families

The reason to alter our patterns of behavior is to slow the spread of the disease so health care systems can catch up; thereby helping to protect people who are more vulnerable than yourself.

We are definitely the coolest family ever and we live in Edina.

$35-40 for a charging cable? Come on

$35-40 for a charging cable? Come on

I think the best Star Wars tech would be teleporters, you know, just like Kirk and Picard used to get places.