
How hard is it to understand context? When Chris Rock says "ni55er" he's doing t to make a greater point or out of affection. When Paula Deen says it, she's saying it to attack people. Furthermore, when a woman like Deen said it, it could mean the death of a black man was coming soon.

Its amazing he's able to play the level of ball that he plays at that age. Nothing to be ashamed about.

And the funny thing is ... they are both right.

the amount of mad in your response suggests that it really fucking matters to you

I'll take barely literate over rapist any day.

Well, everyone knows Custer died at Little Bighorn. What this book presupposes is... maybe he didn't.

Trout will continue to get better and grow his game as the years go by whereas Harper is bound to hit a wall at some point...

Oh, you had to deal with some extra noise on the plane? You poor dear. What you probably missed during your flight of entitlement was one or two parents who are far more stressed than you who tried numerous things to try and settle their kid down and nothing worked. Yeah, flying with kids sucks. If you think