
Look, if Tim Tebow was your new co-worker, you'd be trying hard to help him find another job too.

See when the left mark goes up on the curb and the right mark stays flat and even? Well, the '64 Robertson had a solid rear axle, so when the left shoe would go up on the curb, the right shoe would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn't happen here. The shoe mark stayed flat and even. This player had an

Can we get some analysis on the at-bats? Take it awaaaay MO!

Sounds like Mike O'Malley has some serious GUTS!

Pro athletes sure do make a lot of money. Thanks for that original insight.

CLEARLY he is a detriment to their success

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The Gall-Peters Projection still blows my mind.


I posted this too! My explanation is a little long so I don't want to repost, but good choice :)

I'm pretty sure he does, too.

I just used this one, but it's relevant so I don't care

You mean The Wire, right?

How about a show featuring the entire Armstrong family?

Fargo, that dude is built for sci fi comedy

The Life & Times of Salem the cat

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So many good shows!! But Gargoyles was hands down one of my favorites

Bat Manderson

House Lannister makes a good run at the title. I am not sure how much details I should go into because of spoilers but we have twincest, bad fathering, terrible kingship, etc.

Most of those calls are coming from rural Virginia, where they've always preferred to wed themselves to Cousins.