
I don't think there was a problem with the offense focusing on Lee last year. Woods was not as good last year as he used to be. It was pretty clear Lee was the best player on the field anytime he touched the ball. But since Barkley has gone down, it has just been a struggle to get Lee the ball.

Marquise Lee is being absolutely wasted on USC. He is the best non QB offensive player in the country(Though he does have the problem of trying to play like Barry Sanders at WR!), and he has QBs who can't complete a pass beyond the line of scrimmage.... such a shame.

He can fuck all the man ass he wants, I would gladly take him on the Patriots. Steve Gregory is starting opposite McCourty.... uggh.

I haven't seen the puppet episode of community yet. I really do LOVE Community, but I tapped out 2 episodes into the 4th season.

When it comes to Avatar: TLA(For some reason when thinking about this thread I didn't have any animated show on my mind), my choice is and always will be Tales of Ba Sing Se. The Iroh segment is perfect, it is so beautiful and just says so much about Iroh. Where most shows couldn't pull off that depth over multiple

Yeah, it was pretty much the first thing that popped into my head. It is my favorite episode from one of my favorite seasons of a genre show ever. My top 5 in no particular order would be:

Why? Because it is ridiculously awesome and fun, that is why it is my best episode! Screw being smart or profound, give me a vampire being turned into a puppet!

I can get behind the idea of people hate watching Nemesis. Insurrection however, just so much MEH.

I'm not saying I don't like the first 2 seasons, I do. Just the 3rd season stepped up it's game big time. The overall story arc was easily the best of three, mostly because they really tried to make it more than just a kid's show.

Would be so much more economical to just buy the Original series movie set, and then first contact on the side. Seriously, who wants Insurrection?

Anytime I see this, I just wonder if he got his rabies shot.

Since Alien is an obvious choice I got another one I will say. Digimon Tamers(3rd season of the show).

I don't really like the movie, but love the atmosphere and the world. The production design is downright amazing, the actual physical sets feel dirty and gritty. Less we talk about what happened to the world/universe, the better.

30 million for Mike Wallace is pretty absurd, mostly because he is a big step down from the guys you mentioned. But you are crazy if you wouldn't of wanted Moss, Owens, or Johnson on your team in their prime. Pretty sure it wasn't Owens that cost the eagles the 04 SB, pretty sure Moss was a HUGE part(not a detriment

Ireland: Pimp out your mother.

The only TV show I've heard so far that had a college course dedicated to it was The Wire. Because that actually has deep themes that can be explored, and is about society and how its institutions are inherently corrupt.

But not good enough, still won the game.

Better than seeing SIDS

I've never ever heard anyone related have voices so similar you can not distinguish one from another. Or even have people talk about it before.