
I love Bolin. I love any character that can just enjoy life and let the good times roll, even in the face of tragedy, especially when they are also badass. There is a fine line between a fully realized character who can supply comic relief, and a character who IS comic relief. Bolin thankfully, like Sokka in the

There is nothing wrong with sounding similar, it is sounding EXACTLY like him.

I bought it. Even if Katara was somewhat maternal to him(because I think she was two years older than him), there are relationships that do have some undertones of that(Just most happen to be in a creepy way, this wasn't). Aang was also extremely mature for being 12, even if he did have childlike innocence at times,

The voice! Even though it was a completely bad idea, I can't help but love it. It is cool if they want to reuse Dante Basco, but to not have him change the voice in anyway? Priceless! Plus, the fact his character is named Iroh, but looks similar and sounds exactly like Zuko just makes the whole situation surreal.

I can't agree with you on Katara Aang, I do support that ship.

The only reason I didn't mention it was that LOK actually did a reasonable job in explaining why Mako wasn't a total dick for it, with the Lin/Tenzin/Pema backstory. How it was a similar situation, and the people involved didn't want to hurt, but you can't help how you truly feel about people. The thing is that they

I would prefer there to be no relationship, at least not till the end of the series, like the last scene of TLA. The first series dealt with it so well, there was budding attraction and some scenes or an episode or two that dealt with the romance, but for the most part it was really minor. Where the relationship stuff

The Amon/Tarrlok stuff was great, and I still like all the supporting characters like the kids(FARTBENDING!). It is just this one aspect of the show is TERRIBLE. I know they will be together next season, I just hope they decide to just let it be and have them as a well functioning couple. Then it can be passable, no

I'm fine with Ron and Hermione, but I was never sold on any of Harry's romantic pursuits. I think he should of been asexual, or just cared more about being an Auror.

Supernatural fans are the worst .... says Supernatural fan.

Mako is the worst main character of both Avatar shows, and while Legend of Korra is overall great, his relationship with Korra is the least interesting aspect of the show, plus drags Korra's character down.

I will always like a Johnny Depp performance pre Jack Sparrow(Though I do like him as Sparrow, most everything else after has been meh). The thing I liked about the movie was that Burton's certain style of visual flair worked very well for the film. It was gorgeous in this creepy, haunting way. The only reason why I

Even with the Fringe comparisons, I don't know if I can get behind this. It is the modern setting that is just not working for me. Modernizing some stories work, but with Sleepy Hollow, I just feel the time period it was set in just adds a lot to the atmosphere. Though I do like that it isn't a "modern" Ichabod, it is

I actually like Sleepy Hollow(one of the Tim Burton films I can stomach), but I was flabbergasted that other people actually think it is Iconic. I've never really seen or heard people talk about it, and when a conversation about Tim Burton is happening it never gets brought up.

Its from the 5th season of Angel, where a beloved character(damn you Whedon) was killed by having an old god take over her body. For the rest of the series it stayed that way to, there was no reviving the dead character. So it was like the wound was always open.

I know, but you needed the duck.


Great, now I got Southland Tales PTSD flashbacks to deal with now.

I don't know, yeah it was heartbreaking at first, but the movie does end on his beacon flashing for him to piece himself back together again.

Way to go gang, we stopped human kind from being destroyed, and even made one of the old ones our.... ally, somewhat. Tiny hiccup though, one of our most beloved friends died by becoming the vessel for the old one. You will see her, but it ain't her.