
Exactly, you just go along with the flow and you get sucked in by it. The show is so good that it makes the food Lecter makes look appealing. I know what it is, but it does look delicious. It messes with your head on every level.

I've only seen the first half of season 3 of Walking Dead, gotta wait till it comes on Netflix to watch Clear, though everyone did rave about it. If it is as good as the pilot, it should warrant a nomination.

I don't know, since the only details that are out are who are working on it, and that it is HBO who wants a pilot. I'm fine with JJ Abrams producing, since he did produce Fringe and I love that. Plus, it is HBO not CBS that is making this. If HBO is involved there is a high chance it can actually be good. Plus it will

Apparently it is being turned into an HBO show.

A lot of it does have to do with fandom. It is the biggest fandom, though I would say Walking Dead is getting pretty huge. It crushes just about any other sci-fi or fantasy show in ratings.

It was one remark that is totally based on opinion. It is HIS opinion that this screenplay isn't any worse than Man of Steel. If you write an article about it, then you can go ahead and sing all the praises you want over Man of Steel.

MoS is relevant to this article though, considering that it's sequel will be a Superman vs Batman film. It's just a big what if. And of course an opinionated article is going to have the author's bias(not saying bias as it's a bad thing, everyone has their likes and dislikes) take on MoS. It is needless bashing, it is

A lot more realistic? Yes, because a superhero comic book movie should be realistic..... please. Can we stop excusing Christopher Nolan's horrible decisions with: It's realistic!

Well, I didn't know his name yet, but I did know of his movies. First time I saw anything of his was when I was around 10, and Disney was airing Kiki's Delivery Service. The next film I saw of his was Princess Mononoke(I was 12 at the time), when I came across it on a movie channel Encore Action, they would show

Woah, woah, woah. Hold up there. Casino is better than The Departed. The only reason why Departed even won best picture was a make up for all the other times they screwed him.

I have three choices.

I think the problem is that there is just not that much in terms of Sci-Fi or Fantasy to be nominated, that something like Doctor Who can hog the spotlight(Though, if anyone should of had multiple noms, it should of been GoT or Fringe). Yes, part of it is the name, but another part of it is the fact that there just

Ehh, I'm on the side of fuck everyone.

The difference? The Jets don't have one of the greatest QBs of all time on their roster. The Patriots didn't need Tebow, not even as a backup. While the Jets rolled out Sanchez. I actually don't fault the Jets for sticking with Sanchez though. The only problem with the Jets was that it caused way too much drama when

Anyone who hates emo/dancing Peter Parker has no idea what they are talking about. That wasn't a disaster, it was genius masquerading as disaster!

Who needs engines or propellers, this will always be my preferred mode of transportation.

You read the original conversation way differently than I. When you add on the fact that Shane tried to rape her in the first season, and that in the second season she was against Shane hanging out with Carl. I totally thought that her conversation with Rick was to get rid of Shane at all costs. PLUS, the freakout is

Actually, all of his personality shifts made sense. At first before his brain parts were took out, he was a guy who was becoming ruthless, and willing to do anything to have his son. Then once the parts of his brain were removed he of course became scattershot, and it would make sense that he could slip back into his

Doesn't even happen over a break, happens in only a few episodes. Turns into Lady Macbeth and tells Rick to kill Shane, then Rick is like: "Hey, I did what I what I had, and you told me to do".