
No, I think it is relevant. Especially since most of the "character issues" NFL scouts talk up is just small shit like smoking weed! And this is Peter King we are talking about, not a rational NFL scout/analyst. If this was a DUI charge or a smaller crime, it would be groan worthy but not all that stupid, but the fact

Uggh, you missed the point too. I only brought up the character issues because that is what caused Hernandez to fall, not because other teams thought he could end up killing someone. There is a huge difference between character issues and MURDER, if you murder someone you are a sociopath. You do get that I'm saying

You do realize I'm not equating what Mike(who I don't actually hate like everyone else) and Hernandez did? It is just that Hernandez had "character issues" and now people are looking at shit in hindsight to prove some non existent point about him being drafted so low. I was just using the other high profile criminal

Yet OJ Simpson and Michael Vick were number 1 overall, and Ray Lewis was 26th.

Here is the thing, the dark and gritty works for Batman. He is a hero who serves himself to be in a dark place. I have problems with the Nolan trilogy, but only one of those is a small nitpick that is caused by the "realness"(It was the god awful batplane in the third one that just seems way too much for the

Except Superman does understand how not to do good, because he was raised by his parents to do right and wrong! See how simple that is! What you call Robot, I call a true hero who truly is a "Super" Man. Sure he has a shit ton of powers, but what makes him truly Super is the fact that he is that good of a man. Try

I don't really care about the undewear, I just dislike the tone of blue they used, it was a lifeless dull blue, but hey it seems they wanted to make a lifeless and dull movie so at least they get points for consistency.

Michael C Hall is a goddamn treasure!

So you are saying that when someone uses a Racial slur in a negative connotation that isn't trying to discriminate against someone?

You really are an idiot. What I'm saying is that the white people I'm talking about are not discriminated enough against to truly get offended by it, it is like when people hear the word fuck accidentally during a live broadcast and get offended because of it. It is outrage basically over nothing. When a white

You are a fucking idiot. You are trying to twist my words to make me sound racist, just because you don't agree with me saying that white people really shouldn't be offended by cracker or honkey. I'm not saying europeans don't get treated badly, I'm talking about european descended americans, most notably ones that

I never said it was fine calling an Italian a guinea. It isn't, Italians unlike normal white European descended people actually do get discriminated against, and it isn't fair. I was just meaning regular white people slurs like Cracker and Honkey, not guinea, because that doesn't apply to me.

I know what it means, but still it is cracker, it also means a food item that isn't even intimidating. Come on, I can't be offended if I'm called that. If I was ever actually called honkey though, I think I would end up laughing.

I haven't actually seen Gamer, though I probably should. It was made by the guys who did Crank/Crank 2, which was so wonderfully bananas.

THANK YOU! I agree with everything you said, especially Captain America. I love the Captain America movie and it is my favorite of the single hero marvel flicks because of how they play his character. He is truly a hero, even when he wasn't a super soldier he still cared about doing what was right, and it was so

No, white people shouldn't say nigger in an affectionate manner. Black people only use it as a way to try(let's put emphasis on try here) to disarm the power of the word as a slur. Having white people joke around and use it affectionately would be akin to parody. Especially since there are still a shit ton of white

If you are a white person who is actually offended when you are called a cracker, punch yourself in the face. You are being called something that gets put in tomato soup, and that is offensive?


Spider-Man 3! If you are going to suck, suck in style! Come on, I know it is bad but you can't get any better/worse than Emo Peter dancing.

I agree yet disagree with you on this. I've never thought Pixar for the first 15 years was straight up masterpiece after masterpiece. It has always had its ups and downs, just the downs were still good movies, just not great.