
Oh come on, we all know how the Steelers are such a classy franchise. That they only employ players with high character, and the Steelers have always done things on the up and up. We can't let contradictory facts that are easy to find get in the way of that!

Steelers haven't been caught since the 70's!

I'm not saying the entire fanbase is shitty, but the minority in Soccer that is horrible is a lot more than the other sports horrible fans. I get that is due to soccer also being the only true global sport, but when fans in soccer are bad it is usually worse than your run of the mill asshats who root for NFL, NBA, and

What exactly about my comments were untrue? Soccer fans overseas are the most openly racist/homophobic I've seen of any fans. Last time I checked no one has thrown bananas at NFL, NBA, or MLB players. There hasn't been a group of fans of a team that wrote a manifesto stating they do not want blacks or gays(remember, a

True, but Soccer/Futbal/Football fans are the worst when it comes to being snobbish over their sport. It is superior to everything else, there is nothing wrong with it, american football is so shitty and is a disgrace to the name, blah blah blah. The worst part is there is a good amount of fans that are the absolute

No, the biggest what could have been is the 06 AFC Championship game. If the pats don't blow that lead to the Colts, it is likely that Brady and Co. would of got that 4th ring, since they beat Chicago earlier in the year when Rex Grossman didn't shit the bed. If the Pats did go on to win that SB then Belichick might

I hate what the NBA is doing right now. Mostly because I just don't see that much leverage in not relocating a team. Its not like there aren't other places to move an NBA team to besides Seattle.

I'm not saying it is bad, it is. I just don't see the point in retconning history. There is a big difference between saying Championship ready team and a rebuilding team. It makes it seem like a team on the level of the Mavericks(at that time) got relocated over what the Sonics actually were.

Of course Durant and Green had potential, but there is a different between hoping and actually happening. There have been plenty of rookies who looked promising just to falter under pressure. I really don't think anyone actually knew he would be THIS good. The Sonics only won 20 games, I can buy people thinking there

As much as I think Seattle should have a NBA team, I think you are misstating some things to make it seem even worse. The Thunder were not a "Championship ready team". Their last year in Seattle they were 20-62, and then their first year in OKC they were only 23-59, and it has been a progression each year since. It

I know you are just joking, but ESPN is fellating the NBA because they profit off of it. If ESPN didn't show NBA games, then they wouldn't care as much about it. Just look at how ESPN handles the other sports it airs, like NASCAR. A good bit of ESPN 2 revolves around that, while Hockey BARELY gets covered. They have

I'm not a fan of any NBA team really, just the league in general, but I so want a Bulls/Warriors final right now.

Except there is a difference between knowing about someones sexual orientation and then knowing the graphic details of their sex life. Just because you know if someone is straight or gay does not mean that you know exactly what they do in bed. You are straight, okay, I know you like women, what I don't know is what

Samuel and people like him are so fucking stupid. I bet he doesn't hide his preference for women, I bet he goes out in public with his lady friend. If he doesn't want to "hear" about someones sexual orientation, then he should follow suit and never do anything to "flaunt" that he is a heterosexual male.

Thinking that someone is a deviant and saying that no matter what they are not a christian, that is bigotry. That is trying to undermine someones personal faith because you just don't like homosexuality. The worst part is that he is an idiot who is hypocritical. If thinking gays are sinners and deviants, then he

I know this was probably not intentional on your part when you said women, but these are not women, they are girls who are preteens, not even teenagers yet. There is no way he should be coaching them after that video came out.

I don't feel sorry for him, because you know the whole part of using roids to juice his numbers so he could get paid 200 mil.....

I consider Django Unchained is quality cinema, it was the 2nd best film of 2012 imo, only behind Killer Joe. I love all of Tarantino's films actually, because they are unique, fun, good writing, good acting, and just packed full of awesome. Tarantino actually WANTS to make good movies, and do the best. Which is why

The thing about the replays is wrong, at least in the Moore case. After it happened they showed it more than just once or twice. I happened to turn to the channel just as his run started, and unfortunately saw the crash, and I honestly thought he was dead on the spot. So I was a bit in shock at what happened, and kept

Except he didn't die in a best trick competition. He died in Snowmobile freestyle, which is still there.