As you might have guessed, I'm a huge fan of BrBa. started using the poster in the article as an avatar on another forum and someone was like "Hey man fuck you, I'm still waiting for Episode 3."
The backup database apparently failed simultaneously, which is statistically so unlikely as to be nigh impossible.
Killer Shot, Jeremy
heheh I. P. Freeley
That would be accurate if Sony announced a brand new console and hyped up using the Vita as a new way to play with your console.
The fanboy is strong in this one.
spoken like someone who doesn't drink soda
The Journey. The Incredible Journey. Movies about pets having adventures. Milo and Otis. Milo. MINDBLOWN!
I was obviously engaging in a bit of hyperbole, but the fact is that having a kill based win condition for an objective match defeats the purpose (outside of search and destroy)
not so sure its a mask
My understanding, and it may be wrong, is it was all one leak being doled out in smaller chunks.
maybe because it turned every objective match into a race to see how could camp and rack up enough cheap kills to end the game, instead of people actually attempting the objectives...
using Coheed in a trailer is automatic interest for me, haha
went to share this on facebook and had to click the "Share link" button. Teehee.
Nah, that's why I used "primarily consoles" I know some people hook up PCs to TVs but gaming on a big ole hd tv is still largely seen as console territory.
something tells me in an article about tvs he is referring primarily to consoles