(Zombie) Jölan

curse my ambiguity!

loosely related question, for those in the program (or just might know). after the update is released can the Halo Reach disc be played on any console?



yeah seriously. who actually even says nay?

Can't we get both?

Exactly, which comes back to my original point, if something this minor is enough to change your whole opinion about a game, you weren't really looking forward to it much. It would be like saying oh man I cannot wait to go out for this delicious steak dinner, and then finding out they don't have pepper for your

ah, curse my internet reading skills.

Respectfully disagree. The appearance of the character has no effect on the gameplay, and as such should not be a deciding factor. If it means so much to you that you would miss out on an amazing game, simply because the character doesn't look the way you want, then you don't actually like the game, you like playing

Read my comment, I said it had a few elements, in this case it's that it favors style over photorealism, and it has an RPGish leveling system, the original post is the one who said it was basically borderlands, which I strongly disagree with, it has, at best a couple elements from Borderlands, as well as a few

How is it borderlands at all though? Other than an unusual art design and leveling up? It's hardly "borderlands with chocolate coating". Do some research next time you want to make a pointless accusation, and then maybe people won't think you're an idiot.

Calling it a feature is a stretch, it's a purely superficial element with absolutely no impact on the game whatsoever. Would it be nice? Sure. Does not having it IN ANY WAY change how fun/well made the game is? Nope. It's petty and shallow to let such a minor thing be a deciding factor in your purchasing.

I think you meant "bla bla bla awesome ideas plus a few elements from diverse games including but not limited to borderlands, mirror's edge, TF2 and many more." (and yes T2 didn't invent classes, but people will make the comparison anyways, and the classes have some similar traits/abilities)

Obviously weren't looking forward to it much if one relatively minor issue means you won't buy it.


How about a Cliffy B skin?

I'm sorry, I have all these puns and just needed an outlet.

technically no, since swaps go both ways. the "M" was off floating in the null and was swapped out for an "N"

He must have felt powerless against an obstacle like that.

spoken like someone who never read the sequels