@Lamp: and doing tons of heroin
@Lamp: and doing tons of heroin
@Giorgio Anselmi: I was just pointing out that changing a character's appearance from 1 game in the 2nd is hugely different matter than changing the look of an iconic character who has had multiple games.
@TheNick316: except infamous didn't have 4 games establishing the character and style only to go change the iconic character into some sort of emo-looking asshat.
first thing that came to mind
@wocalax:in RDR multiplayer at least was riddled with them
Dissidia Duodenum?
@Andrew Bates: ... are you being intentionally dense on purpose?
@twinturbo2: give it another 8 or 9 years
@Whooped.D.Dew: all of those are valid reasons, but as the given reason was only the XBL price increase I was stating why, if that was the only reason, it was a foolish and impulsive choice to get rid of a console over
@heretrix: because 10 dollars a year is a big enough deal to get rid of a whole console? because you can't be assed to buy a couple of the 40 dollar cards now? or because, like far too many gamers these days you have an over inflated sense of entitlement and can't accept that games are as much of a business as…
I knew marketing for Kinect would be extremely pervasive but this is ridiculous.
Brought to you by Eternity Ward
are Fei Yen and Angelan the titular Cyber Troopers?
It's out on 31st for us normal folk right? Or have I confused myself?
@Menolly aka Robyn: thanks :)
I turned 23 today and have had incubus' Pardon Me stuck in my head all day so far
@Kenny: yeah but we don't get the stupid elitist PC attitude on consoles either :)
@TylDurden: Probably more similar than this and P4 yeah, but is more accurate than the FF analogy. Anyways it's not that big of a deal I just got my hopes up =/
@TylDurden: Perhaps more accurate would be "New Megaman Legends Announced" and then it's Misadventures of Tron Bonne 2. Might be a great game and worth being excited for, but it's not the MML3 people had hoped for.