(Zombie) Jölan

@TylDurden: Like I said it's not by any means going to automatically be bad, I was just saddened that what I thought would be P5 isn't. And the FF wasn't a perfect analogy, but I figured it would at least get the point across.

@TylDurden: You're missing the point. This is at best a side game, and the headline made it sound like it was a main game. It would be like saying "Next Final Fantasy game announced" and then it's Chocobo Racing 2 or something. Doesn't mean it's a bad game, but title is misleading.

@Shmooki: that' still doesn't make it "a Persona game" though. At least not imo. I read the headline and to me that means P5 not a game in a different genre with one character who showed up in P3.

I don't wanna sound like a dick, and I'm sure it's been said, but having a character from P3 does not make this a Persona game, any more than having Pikachu makes SSB a pokemon game. Unless they have actually called it a Persona game somewhere and I missed that.

@KGBeast: I am assuming it will be refunded, although I obviously don't know for sure.

@hollowlite: pretty sure they cannot legally do that, the advertised price was 1.00 and to charge more retroactively doesn't really work

@FierceDeityLink1: buying it gives no serial code and the download is a text file that says "This is your game"

@Neige: woohoo, got it

@E rac: I honestly don't know whether this is retarded or amazing.

@Whizkid103: well mine actually. I thought perhaps you had read latest as last, but like I said, I missed the bookend bit which does sound pretty final. We'll see. Would love to see some form of carryover to 2 if it is set on the same planet, like a timecoded vault you can leave a gun in or something, idk.

@Whizkid103: except for the part that said bookend I saw no indication of it being the last DLC, and since I missed the bookend bit at first I was confused.

@SquareWheel: except not, you can forget to transfer saves on a PC too. stop dualwielding hurr and durr for a minute and chill.

@Whizkid103: where is all the RIP talk coming from? edit: oh bookend, so maybe.

not sure if want

but can it recognize and identify a human centipede?