Seems like a...
Seems like a...
@hercules_100_98: if you're blind maybe
@Garro: @nzapster: given Halo's (stereotypical) fanbase I'm not sure sword on wand action would be a good route, as far as XBL communication is concerned.
@NightsirK has paws: Dust jackets and bookmarks: True reading just isn't true without.
It's all about install base, when you have one game, WoW, with millions of players, no shit the expansions are gonna sell like crazy. When you have a decade old RTS, even with a lot of fans, it isn't gonna match up.
@bakura: nothing in particular, other than not really being a fan of harem or overly fanservicey shows (make an exception for Highschool of the Dead because its a zombie anime which is awesome)
@andrew2696: who knows, perhaps one day I shall win a pub trivia contest with this factoid.
not game related really, but about Japan, so losely related I guess, been watching a lot of anime recently and noticed cicadas used a lot as background noise, are they really prevalent over there? also any anime/manga recommendations? (I have a ton already but always looking for more)
@CharmeleonWithAttitude: did we also start using the term 'fag' in a derogatory way so they feel awkward talking about cigarettes? We really are jerks.
if BatB and Just Cause had a baby that was a game I would never leave the house.
You live next door to Neal Caffrey?!
@Samuel Cline: Kinception.
I repeat my request for a "related items"/"other customers bought" shop contest.
@Death77485: the contest isn't based solely on the technical quality of the shop, it also includes creativity and humor
@AcornPop: As the set is about stereotypes she is using gamer in the stereotypical sense, not someone who just plays games, but someone who is a gamer. There is, perceptually, a difference between the two, and the latter is what the picture is addressing and is still, to some degree anyways, a legitimate issue.