(Zombie) Jölan

Hope no one beat me to this concept.

@redgreenblue2: Not to mention the simple but moving statement it makes. As you can see in the original picture, only the shadowed half of the egg is visible, a stark observation about the world we live in. Our brightest moments may go unobserved to all, but our darkest moments stand naked and visible before the

meh, still new at using [] so sorry its roughish

@packetloss: he and Tennant are my two favorites by far

@benji3001: stumbled across this picture from a play he was in, lol

@nick111: that is in no way how your post comes across, so either you just worded it poorly, or you are trying to save face

Anyone see the new Doctor Who? Opinions of Matt Smith?

@HeadspaceCools: Yes? since the whole point of ms paint comics is simplicity for the sake of simplicity and communication of a simple concept.

did he call ahead to tell the court he was skipping out?

@GloverAran: clearly they would applaud him for having the balls to so openly do it, and reward him with swag and a nod in the credits

@deuxhero: its a metaphor dumbass, not in any way supposed to represent literal suicide. If you can't realize that then you are the barmy minded one.

@deuxhero: if you have played the game and still think they are repeatedly committing suicide you are fucking retarded

redid mine, this is a little better, but I think the concept was funnier in my head

as far as a B-movie game, Deadly Premonition

@deuxhero: Let me guess, you never played the actual game?

@Kobun: thank you, kept getting image upload failed, and when I tried image url it would just post blank

nope still won't upload
