(Zombie) Jölan

well it won't show my pic

Green orbs are my drug.

Anyone catch the Caprica finale? Holy frak.

I guess gamestop deceived me when my used copy of mana khemia did not come with the soundtrack the suspiciously empty box promised. GODDAMN THEM I SHOULD SUE

Did they catch the assailant? It might have been hard since I hear you run faster with a knife.

@pandafresh: no... bitching about something being posted on Kotaku makes it twatlike. Having an opinion is fine, expressing it like a douche makes you a twat. If you don't like the comics, then don't read them, and don't bitch about them.

Portal Gun confused me for a second because the toilet lid was blue and round not unlike a portal

@pandafresh: oh hey, bitching about it makes you look like a twat. big surprise!

Michael Dukakis

Kotaku day notes

Hairadigm Shift

@(Zombie) Jölan: on a related note, anyone seen the Karate Kid remake trailer?

"you'd like to wax off"

"North America gets the first crack "

@Eirias: RPGFan reviewed it, said it was up there with Valkyria Chronicles, and in the author's opinion a better game than XIII. Full review: []