@BubbleF**kingBuddy: and frankly "Lush and Vibrant" World doesn't have the same ring "Mad" does
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: and frankly "Lush and Vibrant" World doesn't have the same ring "Mad" does
@Scott J: can't seem to upload this, so you have to click, but yeah
@(Zombie) Jölan: but the puns are starting to luke a bit cheesy
@OzymandiasX: its not really my call to say whertor or not its ok
@SlashZaku: He's Owen them gods an ass kicking.
@Aryman: I have nothing against her music other than personal taste, I just hate the whole celeb mentality of drooling over and making a big deal out of anything and everything a celebrity does. Being famous should not equate to being important.
@tollwaytroll: nope just a shitty celebrity that no one should give two shits about, but everyone does because it is a celebrity-centric world.
@(Zombie) Jölan: So when does this arrive?
@Killer Toilet: I was trying to be a little bit subtle, given the tissue at hand. The issue rather.
@(Zombie) Jölan: I mean really, game advertising has finally come into its own.
What a stroke of genius!
so is this the surprise sequel?
@Szin: yeah, but I had to go with what worked as a pun, didn't intend it as a dick move
@Michael Dukakis: We need porn names for Kotaku writers.
the game better be pretty damn good if they want to redeem themselves for this
@Archaotic: thanks!
@Archaotic: any chance you know about the same question for Red Dead Redemption?