@Archaotic: all right. I always try to find out if one is clearly superior, then I take it, but since it's not I will go PS3, since a PS controller just feels right for RPGs. (granted that's due more to previous generations)
@Archaotic: all right. I always try to find out if one is clearly superior, then I take it, but since it's not I will go PS3, since a PS controller just feels right for RPGs. (granted that's due more to previous generations)
not a huge dealbreaker, but does anyone know what console Resonance of Fate was originally programmed for? the lead console or whatever
McWhertor, I don't know where you are in the show, but there is a great sight gag involving a Wee Britain bench advert. I mean there are a ton of great, subtle, sight gags, but that is one of my favorites.
Dark Cloud 3 please
@sephto: The only one who cried "Pervert" was you.
@Luke Plunkett: can you explain to me what the difference is then between a joke about a dead person and a joke about nuclear attacks so I don't continue making posts that are offensive? because I do not see the difference between the two, and obviously there is one, so please explain it.
@Surreal_Sunshine: The action was taken with the intent of punishing those against whom it was taken, ergo a punishment. If I take away my son's toy because he was rude, it is a punishment, even if he doesn't care about the toy. Maybe not a good punishment, but a punishment nonetheless. My point was not "waaaah I lost…
@sephto: there is no trolling going on. A glitch enables a nude body to be seen and you immediately assume it is 'some perv' who did it. thinking like that is why video games will always struggle to be considered an art form. If Michelangelo paints a nude woman, is he "just some perv"? Depictions of the naked body…
@Surreal_Sunshine: because I said star even once in this string of comments before YOU brought it up...
@Surreal_Sunshine: anyways its almost 4 AM here, so I am a bit sleepdeprived and I fear that is making me a bit persnickety so I will not try to discuss any further for fear of making/continuing to make an ass of myself
Dat Aksh
@Surreal_Sunshine: your first comment was already operating under the assumption that I was "whining" and that I gave a rat's ass about the star. You clearly didn't give any thought as to my point and just dismissed me with an answer supported by no evidence
@Surreal_Sunshine: I'm sorry, baseless personal attacks and blind assumptions don't strike me as an answer.
@Surreal_Sunshine: I am asking someone to rationally explain the difference, so I can improve my posts. You are the only one complaining here. You are making unfounded assumptions and avoiding providing an actual answer.
@Surreal_Sunshine: How would planes into skyscrapers not make sense in the context of the AIR FORCE? You are backpedaling and trying to save face because I pointed out a logical inconsistency and vagueness with the rules around here.
@sephto: with a comment as immature and uninformed as yours, I doubt my 'personal comment' was far from the mark
"Activision also adds that it will be releasing another Call of Duty game this year. That game is believed to be developed Treyarch." Real classy.
@Surreal_Sunshine: real people died from real nukes in the past. by your standards if his joke ended with crashing planes into skyscrapers it would be ok because no one actually died. just because the nuke in the joke is hypothetical doesn't mean you can ignore the historical implications.
@Surreal_Sunshine Hesh wants some sex!: if you read my comment, I am not complaining, I want to know what the difference is since apparently I don't get the rules. A joke about a nuke, when nukes have historically killed huge numbers of people, versus a joke about someone who died. The former is praised and rewarded,…
@sephto: and I'm willing to bet you know nothing about the game, or the human body as anything other than a means to sexual gratificiation