@spannu: I guess that makes sense. =/
@MetalBeerSolid: idk maybe I just don't get what is and isn't 'ok' anymore. to me the joke that got people in trouble was more about miles edgeworth than the poor guy who died.
so a nuke joke is comment of the week, but laughing about a joke about someone dying gets you punished? can someone explain the logic of this to me?
@fuchikoma: yet the pushed alpha protocol back like 8 months for sales/competition reasons. It's all very confusing.
I love how they decide to have it come out the week after FFXIII and the day of GoWIII.
@Bialia: with FBI hero Norman Jayden leading the KP, such enforcement will be common.
@snipermav: I hear it is widespread but am not in a position to check mine at the current moment.
anyone else find that "To: Luke" is not clickable?
Hold L1+R1+O+X to option film rights.
@SFLegend: well yeah, but since most people STILL refer to this as nextgen I assumed that is what was meant
@(Zombie) Jölan: won't let me edit the pic =(
@(Zombie) Jölan: now with ECRB rating!
picture on main page says Cars of Abysses
@nipsen: All right, awesome. I have almost 60 bucks in credit at GS and have already paid off all the games I knew for sure I wanted, and was considering this, but having heard no reviews whatsoever I was hesitant.
are there any reviews out anywhere for End of Eternity/Resonance of Fate? It looks interesting but I am [notsureifwant.jpg] at the moment
damnit, disturbed made me lose =(
@Michael Dukakis: but will it really mighty my penis man?